Chapter 16

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I'm so sorry for the long wait! Writer's block is killing me.

And I thank everyone who votes, viewed and comments. Especially the comments I can't thank you enough you guys always made my day.

I just finished reading Hazy Memories by ReluctantHero in AO3. It's so good it inspired me to write! It's the first thing on my bookmarks in AO3 if you're interested.

So okay. This chapter is not much but things will get going after this, hehehe.

Again thank you and enjoy!

Eren will do anything to take that frown off of Levi's face. After they left the zoo, Levi had been down despite his reassurance.

He did everything to avert the other's attention. They walk side by side like a clingy couple and holding hands but none made the Omega smile or blush. As far as the Alpha can remember Levi blushed instantly when he initiate on intimate gestures.

Levi doesn't care anymore. He was designed to kill anyway mind as well accept it, so what if those cute animals afraid of him? He had Eren but...

But the idea hurts him too much.

Their silent walk was torn by a baby's cry. Levi's world stopped. His eyes followed the Omega who just passed them. She was holding the crying baby on her arms, confusion painted on her face at the mystery why her baby cried out of nowhere.

What if his own baby is afraid of him? That his presence can bring fear and they will cry every time he goes near them. No, Levi can't live with that.

"Levi, look it's okay." Eren
said almost pleading as he wipe Levi's tears tainted face.

Levi didn't realized that he was crying again. More tears came and he wept shameless right in the street. He felt arms wrapped around him and pulled him into a hard chest. He buried his face on the Alpha's chest, hearing the other's heartbeat. The sound eventually calmed him down.

"I think we should end our field trip for today." clearly Levi is not up to it now and Eren wouldn't pushed things, he would be gentle with Levi through this phase until the raven can blend in.

They reached home without a problem. Levi fell asleep during the ride. Eren carried him to his room and made sure that the Omega is comfortable before slipping on his side of the bed with his laptop. The Alpha decided to buy Levi some shoes, clothes and other necessities online.

When he was done, he fished his phone and called Hange.

"Hello! How's it going in there Eren my boy!" Hange literally screamed. Eren just hope that Levi won't wake up during his call with her.

"Well, I can ask- wait, no. I demand a raise." he said flatly.

"Okay! Not a problem!" Wow, that was a quick one, Eren made sure to give her a mug saying: Best Boss In The World! "So, how's Levi?"

"He's fine. Maybe. Actually, a lot happened." Eren sighed as he recalled everything that happened.

He told Hange about Levi fighting with his sister. His broken fish tank which is still a mystery to him how it actually broke but he got a hit that Mikasa should have the blame. How Levi ran away then came back in yukata and learned how to dancing like a stripper. That part made Hange angry to why Eren didn't record the raven's dancing. Eren also noted about their field trip on the zoo, how the animals where afraid of Levi.

"Wow, a lot did happened."

"I know, if Levi is going to stay with me he had to blend in. Otherwise, we'll be in big trouble."

Eren knew that he can't hide Levi inside his apartment forever. The raven might develop curiosity of the outside world and explore. Of course, Levi is still not fit for society. Plus, the government might take him away and put him to sleep if they found out that the most dangerous human experiment is on the loose, glaring and growling at people on the streets.

"Other than the animals in the zoo, how did other people reacted to him?" Hange ask with interest.

"The zoo was deserted then and we met a very few people on street, plus, Levi was not feeling well during that time. But during the car ride, Levi tends to jerk and growl at anyone he laid eyes."

"I see, did he also did the same to your sister?"

"Yeah, he growls at Mikasa when she barely even showed herself."

"I see the problem and I know the solution! Listen Eren, Levi is doing those things because he can see them as a threat."

"I understand if he saw Mikasa as a threat but random people? Who didn't even do a thing to him" Eren reasoned.

"Oh, Eren. Sometimes you're so slow in topics like these," Hange sighed.

"Then tell me."

"Levi is being overprotective of you. Very overprotective, he he sees everyone is a threat to his relationship with you."

Eren hates to admit it but Hange was correct. Back in the lab, Levi did things to won him over and now out in the real world, the Omega had to compete with other people and it started with Mikasa. Eren sighs and rub his temples.

"I think the best way to stop Levi from growling like a savage dog is: you have to show to him that he belongs to you."

"I can do that but there's another problem. While we are walking down the street an Omega with a baby passed us and the baby instantly cried. I saw Levi reaction and it was not good."

Levi might not know it but Eren saw him when that baby started to cry and he doesn't want to see the raven looking like that again. The Omega looks so broken, defeated like his world just crumbled down on him and it hurts Eren to see Levi like that.

"Oh, I see what you mean and what Levi was thinking then."

"So, you think that Levi's own baby will be afraid of him?"

"Will never know until he has one. There as fifty-fifty chance, the baby will not be afraid because Levi is his mother or the baby will be terrified because Levi was equipped with a predatorial aura. Ah! This will be my new project! Eren I need you to impregnate Levi like right now!" Hange demanded.


"Could it be that the baby will also carry Levi's killing machine abilities?!" Hange babbles on.

Eren turn off his phone. Hange maybe his boss but he doesn't give shit now. His angry at the fact she will study Levi when he get pregnant and the baby as well?! That's horrible. He thought Hange will be different but she's the same! Levi is an Omega, human being not a guinea pig. If only Eren can save the rest of the subjects he will but Levi is a good start.

Levi stirred from his spot. He rubs the sleep in his eyes and stared at Eren's pissed expression.

"You are not going back on that lab," It came out as an order.

"Okay..." Levi lifts the cover just above his eyes to hide a blush. He is more willing to stay with Eren.

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