Chapter 13

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"Levi, let's eat-" Eren stops when he saw his bedroom empty, he rushes to the bathroom but found it empty. "Levi!" he calls out but there is no reply.

"What happened?" Mikasa pops her head in the doorway.

"Levi is gone!" Eren searches the room, opening each dresser and looking under the bed. Levi, could be hiding right? But seeing his open window made his heart stop. "Oh, no. What have I done?" Eren paced around, pulling his hair.

After the recent events Levi must have blamed himself and decided to leave. And it was all Eren's fault, he should have done something to ease the Omega, he should have explained instead of locking the Omega in his room. Eren dash on the front door and quickly wears his shoes.

"Eren calm down, maybe he's just hiding somewhere...." Mikasa suggests. She doesn't like seeing Eren so worried like this because it made her think that maybe... Eren does have feelings for the Omega and that frightens her.

"No, this is all my fault. I should have let him know that everything will be okay, instead I..... I have to find him." Before he opens the door he faced his sister. "Stay here in case he comes back and Mikasa please just.... understand him. Please."

Mikasa eyes widen at her brother's tone. Eren was.... scared. She doesn't know if it was for her or for Levi. She purses her lips before nodding her head.

"Thank you," Eren hugs her before he runs out of the apartment.

"Levi!" Eren shouted, eyes darting around the street.

He doesn't care if all of the people are looking at him, he needs to find Levi. Levi might be angry and there is a possibility that he will transfer that anger to someone else. Oh, Eren hopes that the Omega is not angry at him, though it's fine if Levi is mad at him since Eren deserves it. It is much better than Levi will show his anger at him since Eren will get paid when he got hurt.

He follows the way he used when he goes to work, he tried to trace that Omega's scent but it was difficult with all the other people's scent. He went to a halt when he doesn't trace the Omega's scent.

"Levi.... Where are you?" his eyes darts around the street full of people. He fishes his phone in his pocket and dials Hange's number. He impatiently taps his foot when he waited for the scientist to answer.
Someone taps the small of his back, Eren turns and harshly said, "What?!"

Eren eyes widen when he saw the person who taps his back. Hange picks up and greets him cheerfully and ask him what's up. "Ummmm, nothing." Eren ended the call and returns his phone on his pocket. His teal eyes gaze up and down on the person in front of him.

The said person was Levi in a yukata? He looks so proud of his current clothes, he even had a flower accessory clipped on his raven hair. The Omega wore a full set, from head to toe even the paper bag he had had Japanese themed prints on it.

Levi is so happy to see his Alpha looking for him, Eren looks worried too. He can't help but giggle.

Levi was on his way back to the underground lab when his head is filled with insecurity. He stops at a glass display and checks his face on the reflection when he saw the book in a display. The title said "How to be Beautiful", Levi quickly went inside and skim the book. He felt hopeful when he read the book, instead of moping around he decided to look pretty to win his Alpha again.

Levi left the store with full of confidence since he didn't have any money he just skims all the books that he likes. While he walks back to Eren's apartment, he saw a Japanese tea shop. The shop showcased a tea brewing challenge if one's tea recipe will attract the judges the winner will get a prize.

Levi recalls the book said that one of the steps on how to be beautiful is to try new things. So Levi joins the challenge and surprisingly he won. Mainly because he skimmed some tea books in the store before he left. He won the yukata and those Omegas in the tea shop were kind enough to help him wear it. They even gave him a bag to put Eren's clothes in.

It was not hard to find Eren around the streets, Eren's worried scent is literally everywhere.

Eren was speechless, he didn't expect to Levi like this. The Omega is cute, plus the yukata suits him well. Thought it is unsettling to wonder where the raven got it, would Levi steal?

Levi is looking up to him like he was expecting something. Eren snaps out. "You look beautiful in that yukata."

The Omega giggles. Eren had the urge to ask him where he got the clothes but the Alpha will let it slide and ask later. "Levi, I'm sorry. I was just annoyed. I know you didn't mean to knock the tank over. I already told Mikasa to lay low, for now, you know our situation right? I hope you understand."

Levi nods his head, now that he let his head cool off he perfectly understand Eren's doing. It was all for his safety. Eren cared about him and the Alpha said that he's beautiful in his yukata! Levi wants to jump into the sky of happiness. Levi pads his way on Eren's side and hooks his arm on Eren.

"Right, let's go home." Eren said, letting the Omega rest his head on his shoulder.

"I found him," Eren announce when they reach the apartment.

From the moment the door clicked open, Mikasa is already at the entrance. "Oh, that's good..." Mikasa stared Levi from head to toe. But she remains silent as the two enters.

"Now, let's eat. I'm starving." Eren sighs and proceed to the kitchen.

Levi happily follows him, but he pauses on his tracks when Mikasa calls out.

"Wait," Mikasa pulls something on his clothes on the back. Levi is about the growl at her but it turns into a surprised yelp when the clothes tighten on his waist. "I used to live in Japan, my mom always do this so that it won't fall off. I wear this a lot because my family is traditional and...."

Mikasa trials off, Levi glances back at her and he can see the sadness in her eyes. "Those days were the best...."

They ate dinner together with Eren asking Mikasa about school, Levi just listen to their conversation and listing down the things about Eren and his sister.

Mikasa went to her room early like the usual, she studies before she sleeps so Eren is used to it. Eren also went to his room with Levi, the package from Hange came and it's time for Eren to work.

Eren set all the machinery aside and covers them with a blanket, just in case Mikasa will see it and threw him more questions.

Now the big question is will they sleep together? Well, this is awkward. Eren can't sleep on the couch since he told Mikasa that they were mates."Levi, just pick any side that you want."

Eren grabs more extra pillows and threw it on the bed. Levi is still wearing his yukata and it looks like the Omega is not planning on taking it off.

"Ummmm, I think you should change. I have pajamas in here...." Eren felt hands caress his shoulders.

Levi guides him to sit on the bed, the Omega took a step back as well as turning his back on Eren. Eren stays silent and waits for what's to come.

Levi slowly loosen his yukata, the collar dips on his shoulder. Showing his flawless snow-white skin.

Oh shit, how will Eren handle this?!

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