Chapter 40

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Eren stared down at the grave. Grisha's Yeager name was expertly curved on the headstone.

It's been 3 months since the incident on Rose. Over further investigation, Armin and some of the authorities traced the person who deployed Annie to assassinate Erwin. It was Nile Dok. He was arrested arrested for murder afterwards.

Nile Dok was one of the higher-ups who Hange deemed as an asshole. He was the one pushing the idea of limiting the trade due to the low income which actually was bullshit. He wanted to money himself that he ordered Grisha to deploy one of his subjects to get rid of Erwin.

Though Armin got a little trouble on keeping the whole project from the people. Some workers on the lab from Rose started rumors on the newspaper. The bastard might have thought that he'll be able to earn money by selling the government's secret. In the end, they were able to shut the guy up and thankfully the rumor died down.

Since both nations got caught up the "secret project". They all decided to call off the project. It was hectic, both parties were going for each other's head. Both didn't want to stop the project, blaming each, bouncing facts back in fourth. It was painful to watch. Until Levi and Annie stepped in. Also, they slip a few death threats here and there to prove their point.

No one dared to go against them, that's what all they feared. Their own dogs biting their hands, plus, they still don't know how to take the two down. And Levi proved it.

The court was a mess back then. People are screaming at each other, some started throwing stuff.

"So what?! Both nations were into this project. What do you expect?" A higher up from Rose stood. "We are not getting rid of OUR subjects. Why don't we just turn around and mind our own business?"

"We can't risk another attack from Rose. Nile Dok deployed the subjects independently."

"But how can we be sure that another attack won't rain down on Maria?!"

"And how could we be sure that you won't do the same?!"

"Ugh." Levi shook his head, he jumped out of the seat and walked at the center. Silencing the entire court.

Eren was with him, along with Armin, Hange, and Mike. The brunette attempted to jump out of his seat and stop his mate but Armin stopped him.

Once the raven Omega reached the center, Levi cleared his throat. "Call off the project."

As simple like that, all the higher-ups buzzed. Glares were sent not only to the opposite side but also on the raven.

"Maria. Control your subject. He doesn't know what he's saying!" An old fart spit, glaring at the small raven.

"I knew more than any of you." Levi hissed coldly.

The old pig immediately shut his mouth as the room felt heavy with Levi's threatening scent oozing out of him. The raven knew couldn't just sit there and let these pigs decided what would happen with his future. Like what he said, he knew more about the project than they do.

"I agree." Annie followed suit. Jumping off the seat on Rose's side to join the raven on the center.

"Call off... Could you elaborate?" Maria's head asked calmly. Both nations had at least two elders who were quiet during the chaos. And they seemed to be the only people on the group who actually knew what they are doing.

"Production of the new subjects will stop. The remaining subjects will be locked out." Levi replied calmly.

"What?! Then what's the use of them?! Did you know how much money both countries invested on the project? Rose already got a deal from Paradise. We are supposed to help then with the chaos and we can only offer the subjects. They are built for battle. Right?"

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