Chapter 15

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"We need to buy you your own shoes..." Eren reminded himself when he tries a different set of doll shoes on Levi's tiny feet.

These specific shoes were actually Mikasa's from when she was just a young, female Alpha who always had a hard time throwing her old stuff away. But none of them seems to fit the Omega's adorably dainty feet. The wooden sandals that Levi won at the tea brewing fits him well, but after a long walk it will surely hurt the raven's feet.

Eren slid the last pair of shoes out from inside the box, the pair being a simple pair of creamy-white doll shoes. "How about these? They look like they'd fit to me."

Levi stands and test the shoes, and they prove to, in fact, perfectly fit him. Hopping around to tell the Alpha his answer, Levi looks more precious then the papers written about 'the killing machine' describes him as. Levi, wearing a denim dress, specifically his favorite, seems like a whole different person than what Eren had initially thought him to be like.

"Finally, but we still need to buy you new shoes though." Eren reaches for the sun hat and places it on top of Levi's head---just in case if someone from the government who knew about the project might recognize Levi. "So, are you ready?"

Levi squeals, running to Eren's side, then hooking his arm on the other's.

"Alright then, let's go." Eren says, guiding him out and locking the door before leaving. Mikasa went to school early and she had her own key so Eren doesn't have to worry about locking the door.


Levi was well-behaved during the cab ride, but he still jerked at sudden noises or glared at Alphas and Omegas with a strong scent on the street. Overall, though, he is well-behaved. Eren is so thankful about that.

They reach their destination and Levi's little nose scrunches up at the foul scent.

After a lot of thinking, Eren decided to take Levi to a zoo. Since its a weekday, it is not jam-packed with people; actually it was pretty deserted.

"Come on," Eren tugged the Omega to a particular direction. He knew that Levi had heightened senses, he just thought that maybe Levi would control it during their field trip.

They stop at the huge glass cage of a tiger. Levi's instinct act up, a growl coming from deep in his throat as he locks eyes with the predator. He approaches the tiger with slow steps before pouncing on it but half way through his slow steps he bumps his forehead painfully on the glass. A whine escapes his lips as he rubs his forehead.

Eren stared in shock before he broke into laughter. Levi pouted with a dark blush on his face, he must have looked so stupid in front of his Alpha. He wants to dig a hole and hide in there forever.

"I-I'm sorry, Levi... Ahaha... I didn't expect that you'd keep walking... Hahaha!" Eren gasped between laughter.

Levi pulled his hat downwards and hid his face. That was really embarrassing, and Eren saw all of it.

Eren had picked the zoo first because he remembered that the subjects under the fighting machine project, Levi for one, that their abilities were tested by forcing them to fight with big animals. This field trip's objective is to let Levi know that not all big animals are dangerous, some are actually very friendly, and he doesn't have to attack them.

Eren managed to finally stop laughing and approaches the raven that is currently hiding inside of his summer hat. Slowly lifting the hat, he saw Levi's very red face. "Levi? Are you okay?"

Levi nodded shyly.

Eren smiled and kisses his forehead, Levi's blush growing deeper. Levi averted his gaze as the now frightened tiger hurdles in the far side corner, the feline must have sensed Levi as a danger on it's life.

"See that giant cat, Levi?" Eren said, pointing towards the now-scared animal. "See how beautiful it is?"

If his Alpha wants that tiger's skin then Levi is willing to get it for his Alpha. Levi's eyes narrowed at the beast. Eren notices it.

"You don't have to attack it, Levi, you are not in that lab anymore. No one is forcing you to fight."

Levi blinks at the information.

"They are safe in the cage Levi, employees feed them and take care of them. See? Beautiful, isn't it?"

Levi lowered his guard and looks at the beast in a different perspective. Elegant lines flows like water on the cat's fur, it was actually quite mesmerizing and beautiful.

"I think we should move on now," Eren guided Levi to the next room. The tiger looks stressed at Levi's presence, it would probably be best if they leave soon.

Levi's eyes linger on the best before it was out of sight.

Eren surely didn't expect this one. All the animals are afraid of Levi, the Omega's presence only made them running away, even the fearsome crocks. Levi's frown grew as they past on every enclosure and seeing each animal running for their lives, sometimes they just found the enclosure empty because the animals were hiding.

Eren found a bunny den where visitors are allowed to touch the bunnies. Surely those cute puffballs would not get scared. But, sadly, he was wrong---the bunnies were terrified, all huddled up in the corner.

Levi looks at the cute fuzzballs, but never took a step forward, since it would only scare them anymore.

Eren is not having any of this, though. He marches across the den and took one bunny out of the huddle. The bunny thrusted around in his hands as the Alpha brought him to Levi.

Levi stared in awe at the small creature but never dared to touch it.

"Levi, it's okay to hold it with your hands." Eren offers the bunny.

Levi looks at him, simply asking the Alpha silently if it was really okay for him to do it. Eren nods with a smile, like he didn't see how all the animals were trembling in fear because of Levi's presence alone.

Levi holds out his hands and Eren gave him the bunny. The bunny froze in place like it was waiting for it's death, but when Levi didn't cage the bunny in his hands, the little ball jumped out and hopped away like his life depend on it.

Levi stared at the bunny running away from as it hides itself under the pile of hay. Taking a deep, quivering breath, the raven runs out of the den with his head down.

"Hey! Levi, wait!" Eren chases after him. When the raven was in reach, he manages to hold the Omega's arm and forces him to stop in his tracks.

Levi's eyes are streaming with uncontrollable tears. He lowered his head again but Eren cups his face with both of hands and forces him to look at up at him.

"Look, I'm still here with you. I'm not afraid of you, see? I'm not scared and I'm not running away like those animals did." Eren smiled at him, his thumbs brushing away the tears from the Omega's face. "I'm here."

Levi's broke his silent cry, he was weeping and sobbing louder than ever. He steps closer to Eren, hugging him and crying into his chest. Eren hugs him tighter, as if protecting from the dangers of the world.

"I'm here."

Levi loved him so much.

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