Chapter 12

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Eren definitely needs a raise for this, he doesn't know how Levi knocked the aquarium out but he knew for sure that Levi put him to sleep and he and Mikasa fights after he doze off.

He was stunned at first when he woke up on the floor and saw the two's appearance but after some thinking he figured out that it was Levi's purring that puts him to sleep. The very destroyed groceries and Mikasa's argument about Levi following to him to his room gave him a clear message that the two were fighting.

It's obvious that Mikasa doesn't want Levi around. Eren is not mad at him, more like he was just annoyed. Very annoyed. His precious aquarium fell and now it has a huge crack on it!

He locked Levi on his room just in case before the Omega will make more damages.

"Where did you get him? Did you just pick him out in the streets! Does he really had cancer? He looks too healthy to me.." Mikasa continues to mumble as she mops the floor.

They manage to save all the fish, Eren's pets have to live on a cooler box for now.

"Mikasa please stop. Let's just finish this before it gets worst," Eren said under his breath, he's too tried for this.

They were mopping the floor and they have to move a few things but nothing was damage by the water so far.

"He's crazy Eren!"

Eren gave a tried sigh. Levi is not crazy, he was under that lab for who knows how long and was trained to fight for the government, he can't blame Levi if he was too overwhelm with his current freedom but it was a handful for Eren. He can't control the raven to a certain extent, Levi might think of him as an ideal Alpha for now, doing everything to please his Alpha but what happens if Levi gets aggressive and possessive to the point that he'll kill anyone on sight? Eren can't control that.

He looks over his sister who is still complaining about the Omega again. Levi can kill her anytime if the Omega wants to. Eren gulps, Levi was known as the killing machine, he is dangerous. He had to warn Mikasa, he had to, Mikasa was his only family he can't risks Mikasa's safety.

"Alright, I'm saying this now. I don't like him, Eren. I want you to be happy because you found for mate but there's something not right with him." Mikasa took a cloth and wipes the floor dry.

"Mikasa, please don't provoke him."

"I knew it, he's crazy."

"Alright! Maybe... It was the drugs side effects. You knew how those strong drugs has side effects, it must have affect his brain." Eren hoped that his reason was believable, he had to admit that Levi is crazy now. Levi might over react at new things so it is safe to call to him crazy and to stop Mikasa from questioning more. "And that's the thing, we are not sure what he's thinking, he might hurt you if you push him too much so please just..."

"I know I get it, you love him and all." Mikasa rolls her eyes.

"He's dangerous Mikasa. I mean it."

"Then why did you took him in if you knew how dangerous he is?! Do you really love him Eren? Or you're just doing this because you pity him? Are you even attracted to him? If both of you were mates, where's the bonding marks?" Mikasa stopped what's she's doing and looks him in the eyes.

Hange mentioned that Levi and him were "fated mates", however, Eren didn't feel anything but pity on the Omega, not just Levi of course but the whole subjects under the project. He was fond of Levi at first because he thought that Levi's innocence is cute, during that time they are safe inside the lab but now Levi is no longer in the lab and there are so much to worry about. Even if he doesn't answer Mikasa reads him like an open book.


Eren averted his gaze and that's all what Mikasa needs.

"Eren you don't need to take responsible for this, maybe he mistaken you for his mate. We can still call a therapeutic house to accommodate him. He'll be in good hands," Mikasa offered.

"No, Mikasa. I can't do that." Eren whispers. His job is Levi, he can't get rid of him. He could ask Levi to return to the underground but there is still a chance that he will found Levi on his apartment now that the raven knows where he lives. "I just.... I need to talk to him and set some rules of sort."

"Eren.... You shouldn't push yourself too much if you don't want to take care of him..."

"Mikasa just.... Please," that's all he can say, if he talks more he might let out the whole truth.

"Okay," Mikasa sighs. "I won't provoke him anymore if that will lessen your problems. I still don't understand why are you still doing this even if you don't love him though."

"It's complicate." Eren wipes the sweat on his forehead. He really tired now.


Tears falls freely on Levi cheek. He tried to say sorry for damaging the the Alpha's tank but Eren quickly made his way out and lock Levi inside without looking on the raven's watery eyes.

That is not the only reason why he's crying.

He heard everything, even if he doesn't stick his ear on the door he can hear the two people in the other room because of his heighten senses.

He doesn't want to listen from the very beginning so he helped himself a shower on the Eren's bathroom and wore the Alpha's fresh clothes but he can still hear them despite the distractions he does.

Levi knew at that Eren just confirmed that he had mental issues so the Alpha can cover him up but it still hurts. He can still behave if Eren wants him to.

But the pain didn't stopped there, it only grew more and more intense as the conversation follows through.

He's not dangerous, Levi doesn't want to be in the first place. He's an Omega and he can also take care of his Alpha if needed. Levi just needs to learn how to care than to fight.

It hurts.

Especially the part where Eren didn't answer when Mikasa ask his Alpha if he had feelings for him. He began to question himself more than he ever had.

Is he not pretty enough to attract his Alpha?

Is Eren only nice to him because he felt sorry for him?

Is Levi is just nothing but a burden now that his under Eren's roof?

Questions and insecurity rose as he think deep.

Maybe he should leave.

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