Chapter 6: What I Can Do For Now(Part 1)

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Oichi was dressed in her UA uniform. Her UA shirt and tie along with her skirt. She had put on leggings to cover up her legs completly and some uniform shoes. Her hair was flowed down her back and the other half of thick and thick curled hair was in a ponytail. She curls her hair with a curling iron so it isnt that curly. She was playing her violin. Yes she was bad at a few things, she was bad at video games, a few sports and amongst other things as well... but a few things she could do was play Violin, Piano and Cook. Her eyes were  closed as her violin was releasing soft, calming yet sad notes. She paits her fingernails red to give volume and wears pink lip gloss. Then when she stopped she felt a presence in her giant bedroom. She looked to see her father and mother standing at the doorway. Amai then stepped inside the big room. "You sound amazing...and you have been practicing for what 11 years?" Oichi blushed at her mother words. She had been playing violin for 11 years teaching herself how to play. Oichi nodded. "Well get your backpack and come on..." Tsohinori said. He was in his weak form. Then a puff a smoke erupted from him and he was in his yellow tuxedo and became in his strong form. "ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL!" Oichi nodded. She then got her sun and moon backpack from her coat hanger in her room then went towards her parents.

Oichi nidded goodbye to her father and began walking to the school. She looked up at the tall building of a school. " this is UA...?" She wasn't paying attention. She then bumped into someone. They both fell periodically. "OH! I'm sorry..." she said to the green haired boy. He shook his head as they both helped one another up and picked each others backpacks up and hands them to their rightful owner. "Hi I'm Izuku Midoriya..." the green haired boy said flustered and blushing in front of the beautiful girl in front of him. "Oichi...Oichi Yagi..." He then smiled despite steam nearly coming out of his nose. "Nice to meet you too Oichi..." Oichi then spoke as they began walking together. "So what class are you enrolling in...?" He then replied to her question the red fading from his face. "Oh class is 1-A..." Oichis eyes lit up."I'm going to be in 1-A too..." She then hugged Izuku then looked up at him with kind eyes. She then continued speaking in her sweet kind voice. "So maybe that means we can be friends what do you think Izuku...?"  Izuku was blushing off the charts and his arms was sandwhiched between her breasts. He then looks away. "Yeah we can be friends..." Oichi then looked a thin and backed away. She blushed and spoke. "You can call me Oichi..." he nodded and gave her a kind smile and they both ascended the stairs together to find their classroom. Eventually they found it in a hallway and saw that the door was quite tall. "Ahhh is their going to be giants in here...!?" Izuku asked intimidated. Oichi giggled and then put her hand on the knob and turned it and opened the door. The first thing that their sight came to was a blonde kid and a blue haired boy engaging in a war of words. "Will you put your feet down off the are already plummeting the school's atmosphere by your inappropriate behavior...!" Then the blonde kid replied with rude and unpleasant curses. "What, did your last school shove a stick up your a** or were you born with it...?" Izuku and Oichi sweat dropped at the sight. The blue haired kid then turned his attention to the doorway to see Izuku and Oichi. "Oh its you!" Iida complety marched towards Izuku and made a remark about Izuku is a better student than he is. Oichi and Izuku both sweat dropped. Then a specific girl came in and it was a girl Izuku had seen at the entrance exam. "Hey I know you you are that falling boy from the entrance exam!" The girl was wearing the uniform and had a pink backpack. Oichi greeted Ochaco and Ochaco greeted her. Meanwhile Bakugou was sulking in rage that Izuku was there. 'I'm gonna ruin that bastard...but first I'm gonna figure out how he got in...' his thoughts came to an abrupt halt when his eyes are set upon Oichi. His eyes widend but only for a second. 'No way...Deku actually has a girlfriend...' anyone could see where he got that idea since she next to him and walked in with him. Kaminari and Mineta were to busy drooling over how beautiful Oichi is and how big her boobs and bottom were. Ochaco then yells out. "I cant wait to meet everyone!" After she said that sentence another yet new voice called out. "If your here to just make friends then you can just pack up your stuff now..." Ozuku looked to the origin of the voice. Ochaco froze and turned to see a man in a sleeping bag. He then sucked something out a packet. Izuku, Oichi, Iida and Ochaco froze and shivered at the mand deposition. 'Ah...what is that thing...!?' The man stepped out of the sleeping bag. "Hi...I'm Shouta Aizawa...your teacher..." Oichi wanted to giggle. She knew this man as the pro-hero Eraserhead. He babysitted her when she was younger from time to time at Nedzus request. "It took 8 seconds until all of you shut up...that wont do...time is precious...rational students would understand that...." when he stepped out of the sleeping bag and pulled out a uniform. "I want you to put these on and go outside...' The whole class stood there a bit confused. Well everyone except Oichi. Her father told her what Aizawa was gonna do and she was correct.

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