Chapter 2: The Birth Of A Future Hero

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Toshinori sat with Gran Torino in UA. Recovery Girl was taking care of Amai. Gran Torino looked to look at Toshinori. The 7'2 hero wasn't in his hero costume and wore his white shirt and pants. Torino then told him. "You dont need to be tense...this should be a happy time for you..."  All-Might clenches his fist. He was a dad now. Gran Torino looked at his student. 'I wonder what you would say now Nana...' The door opened slowly. Then Recovery girl exits the office. She had smile on her face. "You can come in now All-Might." He was too scared to move. Then to snap him out of it Gran Torino whacks him with his cane." He quickly skids to the door after feeling the impact of the  cane. He enters the room. He looks around to see Amai asleep. Her brown hair was sprawled on the pillow everywhere. Recovery Girl then nudged him with her cane. "Go ahead..." he walked in and stood next to the bed. He looked down at Amai. He then looked next to ber bed. There was a small bassinet next to it...and there was a life inside of it with its eyes closed. It had mass of brown soft slight curls in its head she had soft fair skin and it had a nice smell to it. Its tiny fists were balled and had baby gloves on them. The child was dressed in a onesie. "I just fed her so she is fine." He the felt his eyes widen. "A girl...?" Recovery Girl nods. He turns his head back to the child. The child had a small and cute mouth. Her hair was longer than and average baby. Recovery Girl then nudged him with her cane again. "She's your hold her..." he nodded as he gently lifted the child into is arms. He cradled her in one arm. The baby yawned cutley her cute cheeks red. "Shes so...small..." he said poking her cheek which seemed to soothe her because shifted comfortably in his arms. The Symbol Of Peace was flustered. Recovery Girl then laughed. "I will leave you three alone for a bit..." She then walks out the room. All-Might watched her leave then reverted his attention back to the baby in his arms. Then suddenly a glowing ring formed over her head. It was like a thick Halo and befitted her size. He had a feeling it would be her quirk. It didnt surprise him to see something as such appear since society has many extraordinary powers. So that just gives away that she will have a quirk that uses the halo like ring over her head. The warmth on his arm he is cradling her in made him feel calm and collected. She weighted about 6-7 ounces. He picked up the blanket and wrapped it around her a bit to give extra warmth. He then walked over to Amai who was still sleeping. She had bags under her eyes. He gently leaned down and kissed her forehead. He took her hand gently and slowly. Her breathing was stable. She then slowly  opened her eyes. She realized her hair was messy and she felt warmth in her hand. She looked to see Toshinori holding her hand. She smiled at him. Then blinked. "Is that...?"she asked weekly. He nodded. "Yeah..." he said as he gently placed the child in her arms the bed was making her sit up so she can easily get ahold of the baby and have something to support her back. She held the child. "Shes so small..." Amai says gently. She didnt care about her hair being messy she was to worried about this child. Amai gently kissed the child's forehead. All-Might  bent down and kissed her forhead. The baby then yawned and her tiny tounge stuck out slightly. Amai smiled adoringly. She then notices the Halo over her head. "What's that...?" Toshinori then spoke. "Its most likely her quirk..." Amai nodded and looked at the white ring over her head. She will probably get her Solar Energy quirk or her grandfather's Lunar Quirk. The baby then yawned again and began opening her eyes. When they opened two big brown, shiny and beautiful eyes came in sight. She had very long eyelashes for a baby. She was perfection. "Wow shes an exact copy of you..." All-Might said gently. One thing she did have of his was his small ears and a small nose. Then there was knock and the door was being open. They look towards the door to see Gran Torino. As soon as he sets his eyes on the newborn her smiles. "Well look at you..." he says this with a smirk. He walks towards the bed. Torino then hits Toshinori with his cane. "ACK!?" He said grasping his head. "You better take care of this kid ya hear!?" He akwardly laughs at his teachers antics. Amai looks down at the kid. "Gran Torino when she getsbold enough will you be able to help with her traininig...?" The man who was getting old then spoke. "IF IM STILL ALIVE WHEN SHE GETS OLDER...!" He said in playful anger. Amai giggles at his words and looks down at the child. She was smiling. "Oh....Beautiful  Smile..." Toshinori says while smiling back. "She is your kid Toshinori..." Gran Torino says stating a obvious fact. Amai then smiles and notices her cheeks. "She has dimples!" All-Might says pridefully. Then instantly the babies mood changed. "UH-OH RECOVERY GIRL!!!" All-Might says awaiting the lady to come and assist with the crying baby. Recovery Girl entered and gave the child a passiphire which seemed to calm it down. Then Recovery girl looks up at him. "Have you decided on a name for her?" Amai looked at her husband. "Well I think you should name her...since you are very excited about this..." He nodded then thought for good names. Eventually he came out with a name that seemed unique and different. "Oichi..." Amai looked at him intrested. She looked up from the child who was sucking the red and orange passiphire. "Oichi...I like the sound of that..." All-Might smiled down at Oichi and asked her. "Do you like that name Oichi...?" The baby stared at him with her big doe and brown eyes then she smiled and her eyes narrowed. The passiphire hung in her tiny mouth. He then puts his face close to hers. She put her gloved chubby baby hands on his nose and kicks her legs slightly. "We have been waiting for you...Young Oichi!" He said to his daughter proudly

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