Chapter 5: U.A Recommendation And Growing Up

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The sunrise falls through big windows and through glass window doors. They shine upon a 15 year old girl with long eyelashes and long brown waist length hair however very messy. This young girl just happens to be Oichi Yagi. Oichi turned on her side. She then slowly opened her eyes. She is met with white blankets and pillows. She then sees her All-Might teddy bear sitting next to her waking up form. Oichi then sat up and stretched. She yawned. Her hair was messy and she wore a knee length white white dress. She ran her hand through her hair for a moment. Then she saw her double door bedroom door open. She saw the recognizable face she knew and loved. "GOOD MORNING YOUNG OICHI!" The voice said. It was her father, The Symbol Of Peace. Oichi smiled. "Good morning dad..." she then crawled out of her larged framed and curtained white bed. He then turned into his weak form. Yeah...Oichi knew about his state. When she was only 10 years old she witnessed what happened and why her father has a weak form. Her mind snapped out of it when her father stood in front of her and put a hand on her shoulder. Her father was taller than her and she stood at a gentle 5'4. He then had something in his hand. It was a letter. Oicchi noticed it and from the way he is holding it, it seems important. She then asked. "What's that...?" She pointed to his hand. Toshinori looked at the letter and smiled. "You know how you have been having your mother homeschooling you instead of going to a public school...?" Oichi nodded. She knew why she had to stay home schooled. Since she is the daughter of THE Symbol Of Peace, the media will constantly follow her everywhere she goes and would be a problem. "Well this is a recommendation letter to UA high...and it is for you..." Oichi ls eyes widen. 'UA High, the prestigious school that's turned out some of the world's greatest heroes..." Her mind went to her mother and father. They both went to UA and graduated. Its absurd that's how they met. "So I'm going to the same school you and mom went to...?" He nodded handing her the letter. The principal had insisted that Oichi go to UA since she is his daughter and he feels she would be a good potential hero. "Whem does school begin...?" He then replies. "In 9 months." She nodded. "I already have your uniform..." Oichi nodded then got out of bed. "Well when you come down breakfast is ready..."  Oichi nodded.  He then exited her bedroom. 'I'm actually going to school...a public yet private school..." of course she wanted to become a pro-hero but this was going to be new for her. The Halo was floating above her head as usual. Now it grown bigger since she was aging and now it's big enough to overshadow her. She got herself her a shoulder less kne length crop top dress with curly sleeves,then extends Lowe to her ankles at the back and ruffled at the wrists. She got some under clothes and is prepped for a shower.

Oichi stood in the shower with her head down letting the soap fall down. Her mind was on going to school. 'I I will prosper going to a public school. She then turned the water off in the big shower. She then stepped out. 'Boy I'm glad I can disconnect and connect the shower  head...' she said this as she fixed the shower head. Then she went and dried herself and stood in front of the towel to dry her hair and one to dry herself. She looked herself in the mirror. "For a fifteen year old girl I sure look like a woman..." she said to herself. '...and my hair is so long...' She thought running her hands through the damp waist length tresses. Her Halo hung above her head as she wrapped her hair upwards into a towel. She then takes the towel off to dry herslef but then when she does that shock goes all over her face. Her breasts were huge! They were what every woman would hope for and she was lucky enough to be blessed with such gems. 'Now I understand when people say I'm just like my mother...' she then covered the twin spheres that were positively double ds. She then turned around to see her back. Then she saw that her bottom was just the same caliber and volume as her breasts were. "I'm maturing a little too quick for my liking..." and on top of that she had a mysteriously beautiful face' despite her big eyes and very long eyelashes with plump but kind of small lips. 'This is what experiencing puberty feels like then...?' She then picks up her special blow dryer and dries her hair. When dried perfectly enough she dresses in her lacy bra and underwear followed by her crop top dress then a pair of socks then some her red and orange sneakers.

Once done cleaning up she goes to the vanity table in her bedroom, sits on the spinning chair and begins doing her hair. As she brushes it she looks at her face. She has indeed grown up. Her face is like Amais except she has her fathers small nose and ears. Her nose is average and her ears are as well but smaller by a little bit. She finishes brushing it then she takes some the hair and puts it in a ponytail. She leaves the rest hanging down then she gets a pair of scissors and cuts her hair until it is in her lower mid back area. She cuts it and throws the hair away. She leaves the bangs and side bangs alone. "Wow...I look ok with shorter hair...her hair goes to her lower mid back and the other half of her hair in a ponytail goes to shoulder blades. She had quite thick hair. Her mind went to UA. "I'm ready for you UA...I'm older and I'm growing up..." Oichi was determined to prove she can become a hero. "I can be a hero..."

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