Chapter 4: A Father's Duty

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A 4 year old Oichi outside in the yard. Her father was outside with her and Amai was at her agency doing hero work. Oichi walks around. She was currently wearing a red and orange dress with some matching shoes. Her hair was in waist length twin pigtails. Her side bangs were up to her waist. Her beautiful and big brown eyes were pretty and shiny. She had long eyelashes. Her Halo shone above her head in the shining sun. She was running through the garden. All-Might was monitoring her very closely. Then Oichi spotted a spider in which before she could get close to it All-Might quickly killed it before she could see it. He sweat dropped and then en asked her. "Oichi why dont you come and ride your bike...?" Oichi gave a small smile and nodded her head. He then took her toddler hand and began walking hertiwards the house to go get her bike and helmet. She had sun and moon hair clips in her pigtails holding the thick and curled hair together.

Oichi had her blue,purple red and orange helmet on and her matching bike without training wheels. All-Might was holding onto her. "All right are you ready Oichi..?"  Oichi nodded. He then goes forward with her and begins pushing her bike and she begins peddling. They pick up the pace. This went on for about 30 sec. All-Might  then let go. Pichi had a feeling he would so she kept peddling and steering. She was doing good. She had been practicing for awhile. All-Might had decided to record a 30 sec video of it.

Amai sat in her office as she dissmissed her employees from the office. She stood up. She wa sin her hero costume which composed of a brassiere that was a fiery red and orange  with a sun on her shoulder and a red cloth that wrapped around her body to her back. She then has a skirt that's short in the front then swirls to the back on either side. The underside is orange and upper is red. She also had orange an red heeled boots. Her headgear is a diadem with a red gem. She also had on gloves. She heard her phone buzz. She then goes in her drawer to see it was from Toshinori. She unlocked her phone and saw the message. She looked confused. She played the video and smiled a legendary smile to rival All-Might.  "Riding a  bicycle now huh...?" Amai was no longer feeling dull.

When nightfall came Amai told Toshinori she was going to stay overtime. Toshinori lifted up Oichi into his arms. "Are you sleepy...?" Oichi nodded. "Mmhm..." she said giving an answer. "Come on let's get you a bath...." He walked through his estate for 5 minutes to find Oichis room. While holding her he pulls out a nightdress and some undegarments. When he finds some he closes the expensive drawer and then finds the bathroom that's in her room. The big bathroom was way too big for a 4 year old girl but it was the only thing they could think of for an extra room for her since she already has a big closet and a playroom elsewhere in the large estate. He then walked holding Oichi and started the water and poured bubbles in to make it a bubble bath. He learned a few techniques if bathing toddlers from Amai. He then undressed Kichi and placed her in the giant garden bathtub filled with water and bubbles. He then had a box full of bath toys and put all the toys in. Amais words about the tohs plagued his mind.

Amai hands Toshinori a box of rubber ducks, monsters and other toys for a bath. "What's all this...?" Toshinroi asked really confused. "This is all Bath Toys for the baby when she starts taking baths....Gran Torino said toddlers enjoy bath toys..." Toshinori then asked. "How would he know...?" Amai then sweat dropped and scratched the back of her head. She honestly didnt know. How would he know. "LOOK IM SORRY IM JUST VERY EXCITED ABOUT HAVING A KID OF OUR OWN...!" Toshinori gave her an awkward smile and accepted the box.

Toshinori then is snapped back to reality when he realizes Oichi is playing with the bath toys. "Do you like them Oichi...?" She nodded in complete approval. "YEAH! I LIKE THIS ONE..." She said in her sweet voice showing him the butterfly that was pink and red. He smiled. 'Man being a father is so much fun...its a duty that requires much energy...however  alot of times its fun... spending time with a creature you created..' He thought this as he watched Oichi play with the duckies and many other toys. Her hair was all down and she was playing with the bubbles. "Alright let's get you cleaned..." he then got a towel and began applying cherry blossom soap and began cleaning her. He thoroughly cleans her. Then he gets some shampoo and deeply leathers her hair she is covered in soap. Her hair had bubbles and was drenched with clots soap. Toshinori runs his hands through her very ling brown hair. "Oichi your hair is so long..." Pichi then asked. "Is that a bad thing...?" Toshinori shook his head no. "Well No...its just so naturally nice..." he then fi ishes cleaning uer. Then he gets a water sprayer from the other side of the bathtub and begins to spray her hair and body clean. Luckily the soap wont burn her eyes so she dosent need to clench them tightly shut. When she was thoroughly cleaned he turned the water off and drained it. He lifted Oichi out of the bathtub and dried her with a white towel. He then went and dried her brown hair and when finished it looked damp. He then helped Oichi dress in her nightgown. Next he was confused about how Amaid does this
"What does your mother do next...?" Oichi the answers. "She dries my hair more with that thing and then brushes it..." Oi ch I says this pointing to the blow dryer that was on the sink sill. He nodded and picked her up he took her to the sink and dried her hair real quickly. Then he took her to her bedroom, sat her on the bed, got a brush then began brushing her hair. Eventually it got back to it's normal state. With a few final brushes he stops. "Alright time for you to go to sleep..." He puts the brush aside and helps her into bed. He gives her, her All-Might teddy bear he had made at his agency when she was born. He covers her up. The giant bed was big enough to fit two All-Mights. The thick covers were warm. She lies on her pillow. "Good night princess..." he said. Oichi smiled at him and then closed her eyes. He kisses her forhead gently. He knew since she is his daughter she will have alot on her shoulders, so it is his job to protect her. No...not just job but his duty as a father.

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