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After filling up Stu's fridge with the beer, that Clive had turned a blind eye to me ringing up, I walked into the lounge area and pulled back the curtains; it was pitch black outside, it was so dark I could see my reflection in the glass of the w...

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

After filling up Stu's fridge with the beer, that Clive had turned a blind eye to me ringing up, I walked into the lounge area and pulled back the curtains; it was pitch black outside, it was so dark I could see my reflection in the glass of the window.

"Hey, Kat, a hand please" turning, I saw Stu coming back through the door with the bags of food he had left in the car. Tatum's job was to procure the food for the party just as much as it was my job to get the alcohol.

Bitch was always trying to steal my title.

Scrunching up my nose at the selection of food the blonde had chosen, I turned to Stu "next time, tell your girlfriend to get the good chips and dip," I muttered.

Tatum couldn't care less about getting the nice kind. She was too busy watching her figure to eat any of the food anyway.

Placing all the food into separate bowls, I turned to put them out and bumped into Stu "sorry," we both laughed; it's been like this all night, Stu lived in a vast house, and yet we always seemed to be close to each other.

Moving past him, I picked up a few of the decorations that forgotten to put up "be careful," Stu tutted as I climbed up the ladder with his help, well his help was him placing his hands on my hips and pushing me up the steps.

Biting my lip, I tried to think of something other than my best friend's hands on me and how it made me feel. "So why didn't you ask Tatum to come and help you set up?" I questioned, taking a decoration that he was passing up to me. "I thought you two were okay now?".

Hearing Stu sigh heavily, it took all my strength to not look down at him because I knew those sad puppy eyes were staring up at me. "I don't think I can do it anymore, Kat. I didn't lie when I told you I liked you".

Closing my eyes, I tried to block it out. I couldn't let him break me. "I think I'm in love with you" My eyes sprung open wide he had never outright admitted that he was in love with me.

"What?" I turned so quickly that I lost my footing on top of the ladder and felt myself fall. "Stu!" I gasped when I felt him catch me in his arms and hold me close to him, but instead of chastising me like I thought he was going to, he placed me on the ground but kept me in his arms.

"Stu?" I whispered as he just gazed down at me, his arms around me as mine clutched the sides of his shirt; our chests were pressed together as we both panted like we had run a marathon.

His eyes roamed over mine as if searching for something until he finally leaned in and kissed me gently as if giving me enough time to push him away, but this time I didn't. I felt something between us right now that I couldn't push away.

Kissing him back harder, I slid my arms up from his waist to circle around his neck as he tried to pull me closer than we already were, finally giving in. Tatum Riley was nowhere on my mind when Stu placed his hands on the back of my thighs and lifted me up.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I moaned when Stu slammed us into the wall roughly like he had lost control for a second "Kat," he groaned when I squeezed my legs tighter around his waist, showing him what I wanted.

Gasping, I tilted my head back as he started to kiss and bite down my neck, making me roll my hips into his. Stu pulled back and looked at me with eyes darkened with lust before he bounced me up and held tight.

I began to kiss down his neck as he carried me upstairs to his room. "Everyone will be here soon," I said as he pushed us into his door and stumbled through it before kicking it shut loudly behind him.

I giggled when he threw me gently on the bed and slid my way up to sit by the headboard, watching as he took off his shirt in a hurry before he crawled his way up the bed and between my legs, kissing any skin he could find on the way up.

Knowing what was coming, I pushed Stu's head up gently. "I have to tell you something." I mumbled softly as Stu pushed my pants down and started to nip at my thighs, "I... I need to tell you something!" I whimpered in pleasure when he came close to the area I wanted him to be.

Stu held himself over me and gazed at me patiently as I uncharacteristically shied away from his stare. "I've never done this before," peeking up at him.

He looked confused, "I know we've never done this before?".

Sighing heavily, I lightly trailed my finger down his bicep "that's not what I... I'm a virgin Stu," I admitted feeling a little embarrassed not because I hadn't lost my virginity yet but because of the way he was lovingly staring at me.

Looking into his blue eyes, I noticed he was a little shocked, but he hid it well as he leaned down into me again. "I'll take care of you," he whispered against my lips before pulling away.

Closing my eyes nervously as Stu made his way down my body, I felt his hand gently pull at my panties before my eyes suddenly bulged open with pleasure. "Stu!".


Sidney and Tatum were sat in her bedroom, getting ready "Sid, why don't you borrow something of mine" Tatum offered, putting on a little makeup while smoothing out her outfit.

She was wearing a yellow short sleeve turtleneck and orange psychedelic mini skirt with her white boots.

Sidney sighed, looking down at her own outfit, a simple pair of black jeans, a blue top, and her denim jacket. She knew she looked plain; she always has done. Kat was the stylish one of the twins, but Sidney liked being plain; it stood out less.

"Um, no. I'm good, thanks though," she half stuttered to her best friend, who had turned to look at her with narrowed eyes. "But you look nice, though" Tatum smiled widely; she just knew this had to recapture Stu's attention.

For the last couple of days, he had been more distant than usual, and Tatum had no clue why, but she would find out soon. She knew Stu had a hard-on for Kat, but the brunette, as irritating as she was at times, hadn't made a move on him.

Pushing up her boobs a little, Tatum eyed herself in the mirror. She knew she looked great, but still, she couldn't help but feel second best to Kat, the girl everyone wanted or wanted to be friends with; that should be her life, not Kat's.

A knock at the door made the two girls jump slightly. "Girls, are you ready to go" Tatum opened the door to reveal Dewey in his works clothes. He smiled, seeing Sidney. "Hey Sid, you look nice" he then looked at his little sister and frowned. "Oh hey, you're not ready yet?".

Tatum looked at her brother, confused; it had taken her forever to choose this outfit. "No, I'm ready. Why?"

Dewey opened his eyes, shocked, and spluttered, "Where is the rest of that skirt!".

The blonde rolled her eyes at her brother's melodramatics before turning back to her best friend. "Come on, Sid," The girls walked past Dewey, who was trying to recover from what he had just seen.

"Hey, I still think you should change," he called, following the teens to his car.

Tainted Love | scream series ¹ ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang