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The hall in Woodboro high was in complete chaos as Tatum finds and escorts Sidney down the corridor

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The hall in Woodboro high was in complete chaos as Tatum finds and escorts Sidney down the corridor. "It was just some sick fuck having a laugh," she suggested trying to soothe her best friend after Sidney told her about what happened in the bathroom

"It was him, Tatum. I know it".

Sidney tried her best not to think about what two girls from Kat's cheer squad had said in the bathroom before her attack, but she couldn't help herself. How could people be so malicious?

"Kat almost died in that house. What if Sidney did it? And what if Sidney killed Casey and Steve?"

"Maybe she's a slut just like her mom,"

"Please, it's common knowledge. Her mother was a trollop,"

Tatum continued walking out of the school entrance with a spring in her step as Sidney tried to clear her thoughts on what people thought of her mother.

Her mom wasn't a slut; she would never sleep with other men, and how could people think she would murder her own sister.

"You are not to be alone again. Is that clear? If you pee—I pee," Tatum tells Sidney, who just shrugs she's too deep in thought to think about the killer coming after her again or going after her sister.

Kat was lucky that she wasn't killed last time.

Stu appeared in front of the girls giving them each a flower and held another one in his hand. "Kizzo, Kaskizoo is out, I don't know what you and Kat did, Sidney, but on behalf of the entire school, we say, Thank you!" Stu shouted, getting whoops of agreement in return from the other students.

Picking up Tatum and throwing her over his shoulder, Stu looked around, confused as if someone was missing, "where is Kat?"

Sidney whirled around, her face falling in concern when Kat wasn't behind them. "She was right there a second ago."

Tatum rolled her eyes, thinking about the younger Prescott twin. "As much as I hate to say this, she'll be fine. She can take care of herself" Sidney nodded deep in thought, hoping that Tatum was right.

"Can you imagine anyone stupid enough to annoy her right now?" Stu asked, laughing as he dropped Tatum off his shoulder, no longer needing to keep up the act if Kat wasn't around.

"Anyway, I say we have an impromptu party. Tonight, my house," Stu told the girls excitedly as Tatum grinned, Stu's parties were always awesome, and now Casey was out of the picture, making Kat totally depressed Tatum could take her place as the Party Queen.

Sidney looked like she couldn't believe what she was hearing, "Are you serious?" Stu nodded eagerly, high fiving some jocks from the football team. "If Tatum doesn't invite the entire world, we'll be okay. Intimate gathering, Intimate friends".

Tatum turned but held onto Stu's hand tight, almost as if she didn't want him to get away from her. "What do you say, Sid? I mean, pathos could have its perks". Tatum was desperate to get Sidney on board. She needed to take Kat's title for herself.

Tatum whined, trying to convince her best friend as Stu laughed, pumping his arms, showing the muscles he had there. "You'll be totally protected. Yo, I am so buff. I've got you covered, girl" the girls couldn't help but smile at him.

"Come on, Sid, for me? It will be fun," Tatum said, putting on her best puppy dog face. Sidney turned to her and sighed.

"Okay, whatever" Stu looked between the two with a hopeful expression.

"Yeah? Nice. Cool, you guys bring food, alright? And if you see Kat, let her know," he shouted as they parted ways.

Sidney bit her lip, walking away with Tatum wondering where her little sister had gone and why she would go off on her own when she knows there's a masked killer out there who has already hurt her once before.

Dewey smiled at the girls as they stood by his car, "Hey, I heard what happened. You okay?" He asked Sidney gently and gave her a small smile when she nodded quietly, not wanting to talk about it again.

"We need to go shopping," Tatum ordered her older brother as he looked at her, confused, "don't you think you have enough clothes?"

Tatum rolled her eyes. "Food shopping for a party."

Dewey listened, frustrated as Tatum filled him in on Stu's party, Dewey hated the idea of the kids having a big party when there was a killer around, but he knew they'd be fine if they were all together.

"Yeah, Okay," Dewey caved in and opened the car door for the girls to get in. "Wait, where's Kat?" Tatum rolled her eyes and got into the car. She hadn't told her brother about her beating purely out of embarrassment.

Sidney sighed and looked out to the street. "I'm not sure. She kinda disappeared on me."

Dewey looked troubled. "She knows there is someone out there killing kids, right?" he asked rhetorically.

Sidney nodded anyway, a little miffed "She sure does."


Principle Himbry sat in his office playing with a mask he had confiscated earlier from kids who had been playing a prank on the other student by running around in that stupid costume.

He leaned back in his chair and sighed; he had had a long day, with the media circus outside his school, his students' deaths, and now he had students tormenting poor Sidney with this mask before she'd actually been attacked in the girl's bathroom.

The killer had been at his school in broad daylight; the killer was a cocky little shit.

Standing, Himbry looked at the mask carefully before putting it on and pretending to scare someone in the mirror. Hearing a knock at the door, he jumps and takes the mask off, opening the door. "Yes? Hello?".

Himbry looks around, confused when he sees no-one. He shuts the door and turns only to see the ghost mask and jumps but sighs when he realizes it's the mask he's holding.

Another knock at the door causes him to run and fling the door open, but there is no one there again. He throws the mask back into his office before he walks into the teacher's lounge, looking for the culprit. Opening another door, he angrily snaps, "Damn little shits."

The janitor wearing a red and green striped sweater looks up with an angry expression, "What did you call me?" Himbry looks over to Fred, the janitor, and shakes his head

"Not you, Fred," he says, closing the door again.

"Prick," Fred the janitor mutters under his breath.

Himbry walks back into his office, feeling annoyed, and slams the door loudly behind him. He'd had enough of the little shits in this school pulling pranks, this was serious, and he'd make sure the kids would see that.

Himbry turns, and his eyes widen in shock as the killer comes out from behind him, stabbing him in the gut multiple time "Aaah! Aaaah! Uhh!" The killer stabs Himbry continually until the gargling noise stops and Principal Himbry is dead, his wide eyes staring up into nothingness. 

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