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Sighing, I rubbed my face leaving Billy and walking away

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Sighing, I rubbed my face leaving Billy and walking away. I was cracking bit by bit. I never break; I'm the strong one.

Walking down the hall, I glance around the vacant space, wondering if the killer was someone from school. If it was, who would it have been?

Many people had problems with Casey and even Steve, but none of those people had the same issues with my sister and me. Who would want to hurt us? Who would choose to come to our home and try to gut us?

Obviously, Tatum would love to hurt me, and as much as I despise the blonde, I know she would never hurt Sidney. I just couldn't connect the dots between my best friend's slaughter with the attempted murder of myself and my sister.

The more I considered it, the weirder it became; the killer had the prime chance to kill me after they shoved me through my mother's ugly coffee table but didn't instead;, they left me in favor of going for my sister.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts. I didn't hear my sister's shrieks until she came running past me, clutching my arm on the way past. She yanked me into a run.

"We have to get out of here. He's here," she screamed hysterically, tightening her grip on my arm. I was sure her nails were drawing blood from the painful hold.

"Who's here?" I called out, but she ignored me, pulling on my arm harder as she struggled to speed up,

Peeking back down the hall, my eyes widened when I saw a recognizable black figure striding down the hall, trying to be inconspicuous. "Holy Fuck".

Teachers and students looked out of their classroom doors and upon hearing Sidney's cries, but she didn't stop until we scrambled through the door of Principal Himbry's office, who promptly stood up upon seeing Sidney as she flung herself on him, weeping and shaking.

"He's here... I saw him... he's here" I watched her sympathetically as she almost curled herself into our principal's arms.

"Easy child," Principal Himbry shushed, rubbing her back comfortingly.

"It's true, whoever it was, they were here," I announced to him, taking my sister into my arms as he picked up the phone, looking alarmed.

"Where?" Himbry questioned us, covering the mouthpiece of the phone

"The girl's bathroom," Sidney hiccuped, but I huffed, remembering how the killer was trying to sneak away.

"he'll be long gone. I saw him running towards the exit".

Sid and I sat together quietly as Principal Himbry talked on the phone to the sheriff.

I studied my sister carefully. "You look like shit," I informed her seriously, making the corner of her lips curve up as she let out a light chuckle.

"I can always count on you to make me feel better, Kat."

I shrugged my shoulders, uncaring "Well, at least you know I'm not trying to kill you. If I was, I would have done it in the womb" she let out another chuckle before laying her head on my shoulder, and for once, I let her, she needed me.

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