"For The First Time"

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(A/N the beginning of this is written by the ever so lovely @artharp! Go follow her on twitter people! Also I'm dedicating this to her and her wonderfulness. I added to the beginning of this chapter so it was both Alicia an I. We both really hope you enjoy, please leave comments and votes!)

(Also after maybe 3 or so chapters this story will end. I know how depressing but I have news... SEQUEL!!! Yeah gonna join the crowd an quit being the hipster I am. The sequel has no name, so comment some ideas please!)

 When we get home after the show, Nath pulls my over tired body straight up to his room for some privacy. He walks ahead of me, his hips taunting me after I saw what they could do tonight. He pulls to be a gentlemen, opening the door for me to walk into the room before him. However, I stop in my tracks because I can't believe what's in front of me. There are candles flickering all over the room, and roses, loads of roses, all over the room.

In awe I questioningly glance at my new boyfriend. God that felt good to say. “Nathan, where the hell did you find all of these candles?”

In his voice I hear a smile, making birds take flight in my stomach. “Well after your little announcement at the show I called Kelsey to help make this happen. Also Siva doesn't need all of those god forsaken candle does he?”

My heart melts into a gooey mass, puddling somewhere in the region of my feet, which never ever happens. I don't usually get this way over guys, but there's just something about Nathan. There has been since I met him. “Well, I'd say you did pretty well Sykes,” turning around to meet him eye to eye, I bring up my arms to tip his snap-back off his head and bury my hands in the hair at the back of his neck. “But I've got your number! I know you're just romancing me because you’re trying to get in my pants!”

Horror an shame suddenly take over his features, while turning a deep crimson he chuckled. For a moment it was complete silent, making my head spin.  “Maybe a little.” He leaned down planting a soft kiss on my lips as his hands played over the bare skin on my arms, making the ever present goosebumps appear on my skin. "Is it working?"

“I don't know,” I pause dramatically. “Maybe I need a little more convincing. You are attempting to rob me of my V-card you know this right?”

 He laughs again, “Course I know, why do you think I went to all this trouble?”

 My eyebrows shoot up to my hairline. “What so if I wasn’t a virgin, you’d just wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am me?” I ask incredulously, a bit annoyed.

 “Beccs, why do you make everything so difficult? You know that's not what I meant,” his whisper grazes my skin, making me want his lips on mine yet again. “Now can we please get back to the part where I’m convincing you how much I want you?” He pauses planting a kiss on one of my eyelids, forcing me to close them. “How much I want to be your first?” He kisses my other eyelid. “How I promise to be gentle?” He kisses my nose then. “How I promise you won’t be hurt again? I'm not here to hurt, use, or abuse you. From the moment I met  you, everything changed, I knew I had to get you whatever the pain. When you used me as a human mattress there was something.. I can't explain. Yeah we did some stupid things, making each other jealous, hurting each other with foul words, and even more foul gestures. But through it all, there was still something that made me crazy. You didn't swoon at my feet like I'm used to, so it was hard when I couldn't get what I want. Call me selfish if you must, but I'm putting this as nicely as I can. I am totally utterly in love you with Rebbeca.” His large piano hands find the skin on my arm again, making me shudder lightly. I look down, watching his hand play its magic on my outer body, while feeling the effects on my inner body. Nathan takes my head in between his hands, forcing me to make eye contact with those eyes. Usually full with something a bit mysterious are now filled with nothing but passion an love.

"Did you just quote One Direction? You an Louis still have a thing don't you?"

" I try to be serious and... Just... I know you're scared Becc's... I was too when it was time for sexy time. Oh don't give me that look you should've known it was coming. All I'm saying is that if you're not ready, then we'll wait. I'm not going to rush you into anything. I'm not going to be cliche dick and say if you love me you'd do this. Why? Because I already know how much you love me. I mean you kissed me at a concert in front of thousands of people who, by the way, are mostly obsessed with all of this."

Lose My Mind (Nathan Sykes Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang