"I Found You"

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Nathan: "Will you be my girlfriend?"

Those five words ring through my head, making the world around me become nonexistent. 'Did I want to be his girlfriend? With all the hate I already get, it'll just get like ten time worse. Maybe more! How would I be able to handle it?' The world around me stops spinning, bringing my attention back to the bright green orbs in front of me. 

I open my mouth to speak, my words replaced with the sounds of clicking cameras. Next the blinding flashes, leaving me in a world of white as Nathan grabs my hands tightly. I feel myself being lifted from the ground by my hands, being pulled up by strong arms. I'm in a daze as I'm tugged to start running, my feet cooperating with the person in front of me. 

Nathan an I run from the paparazzi, moving through the little path we came through. We some how  manage to escape major injury as we break through the thicket of branches. I feel the branches scrape across my face, cutting open my soft skin to reveal the hidden red liquid beneath. I gasp, the stinging sensation bring small water droplets to my eyes.

We finally break out of our little retreat, back into the desolate park. We come to a stop, straining our ears, listening for the breaking of branches behind us. The only sound is our soft panting, letting me relax a bit before I take my hand from Nathans. 

I take my hands, and begin picking out little pieces of sticks as Nathan paces back an forth in front of me. I take out the twigs, letting them drop to the cement. They make little pattering noises as they bounce once or twice on the concrete. I run my hands through my hair quickly, making sure all of the pieces are out before I turn my attention the pacing Nathan in front of me. 

Me: "Nathan, calm down please?"

His pacing stops, making my heart stop with it. He turns to me, sadness filling his eyes are he looks over my appearance. 'I must look great'. He walks over to me, checking out my cheek. I feel his thumb graze over the tiny incision, making me wince. I try to pull away from his thumb, but he keeps my head in place.

Nathan: "This is all my fault.."

I look up at the Gloucester boy in shock. Guilt is written all over his features, the small cuts and bruises on his face becoming hidden to me. I bring my hands up to his face, holding his cheeks like he is mine. I stare into his eyes, thinking of something meaningful to say.

Me: "Nath, this isn't your fault. I mean, who could've known we were going to be stalked? Fucking creeps an all."

I feel his cheeks move under my hands, the line that was previously on his lips is suddenly replaced with a small smile. I smile back at him, feeling my insides warm before I take a look at the rest of his appearance. I examine the cuts on his forehead and cheeks, tiny droplets of blood pooling and dripping down the tanned skin.

Me: "You look an absolute mess Nath."

His chuckle warms my heart as he removes his hands from my face. I mimick his movements, bringing my hands down to my sides. I feel his hand slip into mine, fitting like an extension to my person. I tug him along this time, forcing him to walk in step with me as we make our way back through the park.

The Christmas lights keep our path a light, making the walk back just like the walk to the clearing; romantic and calming. I try to concentrate on the beauty around me, but my mind keeps going back to those five words, 'Will you be my girlfriend?' I think back to earlier thoughts, giving myself a small headache. 'Could I do it? Handle the hate, the constant presence of paparazzi, security, all of that?'

While I ponder over these thoughts, we make it back to Nathans car. When we arrive it's no longer black, but multiple colors from the thousands post it notes that are stuck to the car. I quickly look up at Nathan, terror written over his perfect face. I can't help but laugh as he drags me over to the car.

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