Chapter 43 The Beginning of the End

Start from the beginning

Just as Kol was about to open his mouth again, he was elbowed hard in the ribs by the woman next to him, who glared at him. He muttered insults under his breath before looking back at the road and stepping on the pedal once more, driving away from all the crowd and away from the police officers that had just started to gather around the scene. Looking back in the rear view mirror, he watched them place the yellow banners around the body, to keep the too curious witnesses away.

This time, just this time, Kol though, he wasn't about to be late. Last time he was late, she gave him this long speech about time and space and how time was money and money didn't grow on trees. He oh so would have wanted to walk out with his hands up but he had had to listen to the whole damn speech about being a few minutes late. This time he was going to be there 3 minutes early and slam his fist on her table and let out a victory screech. Kol drove like a mad man, his hands tight on the steering wheel and smirk on his face as Lexis gave him a confused face.

So, Sebastian Moran. Mysterious man who kept quiet in the back of a speeding car in the middle of London, with a sniper rifle in his bag and an indifferent expression on his face. She had recruited him not long after Kol had pushed his last colleague off the top of a building out of anger. He wasn't a stranger to her, she had known him from before, back when Jim was still among them. Sebastian had been Moriarty's right-hand in most of his great games. Moran was known as London's second most dangerous man and that was the exact thing that had attracted her. Had attracted her to recruit him as one of her most loyal subjects.

After a few minutes of hysterically driving around the city, the black car finally slowed down right in front of a small mansion. As the black metallic gates opened to let the car in, it turned around a large fountain right, stopping in front of the staircase that led to the large wooden front door. As the car finally came to a stop, Kol quickly jumped out of the driver's seat, throwing the keys to the valet as he trotted towards the stairs, waiting for the others at the front door. Lexis let out a sigh at her colleague's immaturity, he was determined not to be late this time.

Lexis closed the car door behind her as she walked towards the back and opened up the trunk. She carefully placed two heavy and large messenger bags on her shoulder, she could walk like this anywhere and no one would ever think that this woman was carrying at least 12 different sort of guns and ammunition in her bags. As she closed the trunk and made her way towards the front door, Sebastian gently closed the passenger door, holding in his hand the single black bag that held his sniper rifle. 

''It doesn't matter if you're late or not.'' Lexis grunted as all three of them stood in front of the door, waiting for someone to open, ''She's still going to manage to find a reason to make you want to shoot her.'' she smirked a little at the thought, ''She isn't bad really, she's actually nice. It's just with you that she has a talent for pushing all the right buttons to annoy you.''

''And she does that perfectly well.'' Kol replied, turning around as the door opened, ''It's only with me though... no one else will ever get in trouble.'' he groaned as they made their way inside, ''You and brick wall over there could destroy the bloody world into pieces and I would get screamed at for it.'' he muttered under his breath, dropping his bag on the table. He turned back to them and spread out his arms with a big smile, ''Cause Sebby and you are her favourite little minions.'' he teased, rolling his eyes.

''I wasn't the one who pushed my old colleague from the top of a building...'' Sebastian whispered as he walked passed him, dropping his bag on a chair next to a small table.

The mansion was impressive from the outside but it seemed even bigger inside. The walls were covered with blood-red tapestry, paintings and photographs covered the walls. Before them was a large hall with chandeliers and wooden tables with vases and red roses in them. And this was only the entrance, imagine how the rest of the house was; enough rooms to lose yourself in, enough places to hide a dead body; with tables, paintings, Russian carpets.

At the end of the hall was a large staircase that gave view to a beautiful stained-glass window. The staircase then separated in two, and on each side were at least several rooms. It was peaceful but dark, a place when all three of them could come and relax after the job was done. They chose a room in the far east wing of the mansion and hope that no one, especially her, would ever find them for another job.

Speaking of the devil; there she was. Standing alone at the top of the staircase. Everything turned cold, everyone stopped what they were doing, their head jerked towards her. The dark silhouette remained there, gazing down at them. Like a King and his Kingdom. Her hand resting gently on the ramp as she made her way down the stairs, only the clicking sound of her heels filled the room. A red smirk on her lips as she looked at the three of them, arching an eyebrow as she put her hands behind her back and sighed.

''You're late, Kol.'' Juliet finally said as she shook her head, the sound of the man's groan could have been heard from all around the world, ''One minute and you would have made it.''

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