Chapter 9

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I ran to the fountain after leaving Zero. I didn't want him to find out like that; I really didn't. I wanted to tell him when the time was right. Alas, he and I have the worse cases of timing ever. I had to tell Kaien the truth, so if anything like what happened during school happened again, he could shed some light toward what was going on instead of leaving them in the dark.

I sat at the edge of the fountain thinking it wasn't enough to let me be alone. I wanted the pool, hardly anyone goes there anymore since the weather started feeling more cooler than earlier in the month. I walked there quickly, trying put as much distance between me and Zero as much as I could without breaking rules about leaving campus. Tears stung my eyes, threatening to come out.

Why was Zero there? I asked myself over and over. He should have been heading to class. He had to have known I had to tell the headmaster something important.

My heart quickened as I sped up my pace, just wanting to get to the pool faster. I wanted to think, and maybe go for a permanent swim in the pool so I wouldn't have to live through this. I didn't want to see Zero's hurt look. It broke me the first time. The second time, I semi-hoped, would kill me.

I sat close to the pool's edge when I reached it. I stumbled onto the cement before sitting on the cool concrete. I hugged my knees close to my chest still feeling the stabbing, throbbing hurt of seeing Zero's face and the tears stinging my eyes. I closed my eyes hoping it would all go away. I wanted it all to go away. If it all went away, I wouldn't have to see the hurt, surprised look in Zero's eyes and avoid the lecture I was bound to get from Kaien and Yagari.

I heard footsteps coming closer to me. The steps were clacking along the pool's edge. They seemed steady. Nothing was nervous or timid about them. I kept my face buried as they came closer and stopped at me. I didn't want to see who it was. I just wanted to disappear, or die from this sickness as it ravaged my body.

"When were you going to tell me?" I knew the voice. It was impossible to deny. It sounded as hurt as his eyes were just hours earlier. I stayed silent knowing I would only tick him off more. "Tell me, when were you going to tell me?" His voice was still calm but the hurt was more intense.

"Soon," I uttered. If it was possible I pushed my knees closer to my chest. My knees crushed my chest in a tight embrace hoping it would help become invisible. I couldn't face him now. I couldn't see the look in his eyes. It would kill me like this sickness, just a little faster.

I heard him shuffle then groan. I felt his body near mine and he took my arm, hauling me to my feet. Quickly. When I got what he was doing, his body was pressed to mine and his arms were wrapped around me. He was behind me with his face in my shoulder.

"Z-Zero," I said, startled as hell.

His grip merely tightened around me. But he didn't say a word.

"H-How l-long...?" Zero asked into my shoulder. I never remembered Zero studdering before this. He was always the one who knew what to say.

I raised my head from the bowed poistion it was in. I shifted my head to look towards him. His white hair was mixed with my dark hair color.

"How long have you...?" he started before I cut him off with, "Since a little after Shizuka's attack."

Zero clung to me tighter.

I wondered vaguely if Zero knew what the sickness entailed. I never really knew the sickness was real until I contracted it mysteriously. I thought it was a typical cold. But it turned out to be much worse when I lived with Kaname for a while. I relied on him to stay alive for a couple years. After he left, I seemed to get better. I thought I was cured...

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