Chapter 1

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I was nervous, like I never am. Five years of being around vampires and this time was crazier than last. The last time I was around all these senses of vampires, I was twelve. Since then, my instinct, or sense as some call it, to tell if vampires were around went into hiding and I was like a normal person---except I wasn’t a normal person. I lived most of my life with vampire hunters. My father was a vampire hunter and my best friends and their family were from vampire hunter families. Now, five years later, I don’t live with vampire hunters everywhere I turn. Now I live around vampires and trying to become a hunter without waking my senses and killing them all right there.

            “I can do this. After five years of being with vampires, I can do this.” I walked through the large double doors and into the vampire soiree. I would only be one of a few that are humans.

            I walked toward the only person I knew from my life before. His was tall and older than me by a few years. He was old enough to be a couple years into college, maybe more. I’ve lost my sense of time while living with those damn vampires.

            “Kaito, good to see you too,” I said as I saw his wide eyes look at me. I almost forgot it’s been about five years since I’ve seen him. I mean, I’ve seen him in the dark maybe a couple years ago but that was when I was lurking in the shadows like some vampire and he was in the moonlight like every other hunter.

            “Michiyo, look at you. You look nothing like…”

            “Say his name and I will stab you,” I warned, cutting him off before he could get the words out. I still hated my father. We still haven’t had a civil conversation with each other since I was twelve.

            My father and my best friends’ parents were like our masters. Mostly, my father was. My best friends, the Kiryu twins, were with me and secretly trained me in the dark when my father was off on a hunt. When my father came back and the Kiryus went on a hunt, I listened in and somewhat trained with Kaito Takamiya and the Kiryu brothers. For some reason, my father didn't want me to train or become a vampire hunter. I didn't see the reason clearly, I had the instincts like the Kiryus and Kaito. What was his problem?

            “Wow, you sounded serious that time,” Kaito said as he stepped back, his shoulder blades hitting the pillar we surrounded.

            Vampires filled the place. Some were celebrities and others seemed like people you would pass on the street with another glance and shrug them out of your life. My head started to ache. The vampire instincts were going nuts. Now they’ve decided to awaken? Why the hell didn’t they stay under my subconscious until tomorrow?

            “Shut up,” I snapped as I looked around and felt my senses weaken when I found a human. She looked like everyone else but she was human. Right now, she was temporary ease.

            “She told you,” another voice at the other side of Kaito said. He sounded almost mad about something.

            I leaned to get a better look at him. His hair was white, his eyes were a deep gray, and he was about my age. His shirt was loose on him but his jacket seemed like it fit him perfectly. I sensed vampire, but he was supposed to be a vampire hunter. What. The. Hell. The world is more messed up than I thought because the Kiryu twins are supposed to be dead like their parents. I was there when they were attacked. Why does this guy look so much like them?

            “Like you have room to speak, I’ll stab you too,” I warned as I leaned my shoulder against the white column the three of us were around. My arms were crossed. To hell with being lady like, the vampires weren't scrutinizing over me--just the rest of the vampires that attended.

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