Chapter 4

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The last thing I wanted to do the next day was be in Yagari's class. I wanted to patrol the corridors and skip class like Zero gets to do. After all, I am offically a member of the Disciplinary Committee. I need to train in the ways of protecting the school grounds. When Zero got up and left Toga's class early, I followed him, glad to have gotten out of there. I was getting sick of the looks he was giving me from the front of the class.

"Where are you going, Zero?" I asked him, letting him know I was going with him.

"Just away," he said as he looked around the grounds and didn't turn to face me.

I kept up with him as he went to the far edges of the grounds and sat beneath a shaded tree. I stood there watching him and feeling uncomfortable. He looked like he was in pain.

"Zero, what's wrong?"

He looked up to me and shook his head. "Nothing, it's just something I am forced to deal with."

"Which is?" I knelt down in front of him, my knees hitting the grass. "Zero, you can tell me anything, good or bad. Just like we were kids."

"This isn't that kind of secret, Michiyo."

Not that kind fo secret? Seriously? Zero and I told each other everything. In hand, Ichiru told me everything until the days leading up to the night that damn vampire attacked, ruining my life forever.

I knelt beside him, smiling at him. "Zero, you can trust me with anything. Just like before. Nothing changed."

Zero looked at me and gave me a half smile. "Things have changed, Michiyo. Things changed with me but, so far, nothing has changed with you."

Oh, Zero, you have no idea, I thought as I looked away momentarily. I wanted to tell him then, but I also wanted to wait until he told me his secret. I wanted to tell him before it was too late.

"You could've fooled me, Zero. I've changed, admit it," I said.

Zero stood up and faced me. He gave me a smirk. "Yeah, sure," he said through a chuckle. "Come on, let's go make sure everything is okay."

Okay? Right now, nothing about this school is okay. For one thing, my father teaches here? Okay, I know he's intelligent and all but come on, even I know he doesn't exactly possess the skills to teach teenagers.

"I heard there is a night class starting up," I said as I looked to the building they were "constructing". I knew they really weren't but blocked it since students were prohibited from going.

Zero's muscles tensed. "No kidding," he siad as he looked to the fence that surrounded the building.

"Zero," I asked, "was there something in there before? Ichiru never told me anything."

He walked a little ways, making sure we were alone before he said, "Vampires went to this school." My heart stopped. "They lived in that building. They were called the Night Class because they only came out at night."

I stepped back a little. "Headmaster wants this, even being a hunter himself?"

"Yeah," Zero said with a heavied sigh. "He's a pacifist now."

I shivered at the thought. He was the top hunter in the Association. He was the one that killed mercilessly and never left a drop of blood out of place. Serisously, Kaien Cross can not be a pacifist now.

"Uh, Zero, there is something I need to do. I'll meet you back at the apartment later, okay?" I said as I stepped back.

He gave me a half smile before nodding. "Yeah, see you at the apartment."

I ran into the main building, ignoring the things around me. I shot up the stairs and down the corridor that lead toward the headmaster's office. After a quick couple of knocks on his door and the permission to enter, I burst through the door out of breath.

"What is it Yagari?"

I gave him the death glare. He knew me when I was younger. He knew me under that damn man's name.

"Sorry," he said still scared.

"How the hell could you become a pacifist? You were the greatest hunter around and you ruined it all and became a freaking pacifist of all people?"

He was still scared, shaking how. Is it that easy for Zero?


"Instead of keeping it up and making me idolize you as a kid, you gave the top place to him?"

Now I was ranting and hoped Toga would walk in, hearing some of this. It was Toga's idea to never let me become a hunter, and the Kiryu's wouldn't let me. Now that I was one, he couldn't do anything about it.

"M-Michiyo? Where is this coming from? Who told you about me?"

"No one, remember, I trained with the Kiryu twins. I know this stuff. Since when are you a pacifist?" I cocked an eyebrow.

"I became a pacifist a long time ago, before I adopted my Yuki," Cross said as he slowly calmed down, making sure I wasn't going to kill him there.

Now, if Toga walked in, I might want to kill him on the spot.

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