Chapter 6

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"Are you feeling okay, Michiyo?" Yori asked as she looked at me with a concerned expression.

I wasn't. I haven't been feelign well since the night before. It was hard convincing Zero I was alright when I went to bed and suggested he go vampire hunting and forget I wasn't feeling well. Now, my head felt like it was going to explode and it distracted me from everything around me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, Yori," I said as I ran my icy finger tips through my hair. I was trying to make it look like I wasn't just using my icy fingers to cool my head down. "It was just a small headache. It's gone now." I flashed her a fake smile to ease her concerns.

"Are you sure?" she asked as we descended the stairs after class.

"Yeah," I said as I gave her another smile. This was was weaker than the last. Something wasn't right.

The light headedness came back. Last time, it was when Toga was talking. It came to me in a flash. It wasn't like when some vampire has the sudden urge for blood. This one doesn't just go away easy. I closed my eyes and opened them just as we passed Toga and headed out the door. I gripped the door as nonchalantly as I could, trying not to tip to Yori or anyone that I wasn't feeling normal and something wasn't right. Just as I gripped the wooden door, the feeling worsened. Before I knew it, I fell on the floor and closed my eyes.

"What? Some girl just passed out?"

"No way!" another girl said excitedly. "I can't believe Michiyo just collapsed!"

"What did you say?" I asked when I heard Michiyo's name. Right then, everything they said became vital.

"That new girl, Michiyo something or other, she just collapsed after class," the girl said nervously.

I realized I am not the most talkitive person, or the most approachable. I probably scared the girl when I said that. I just want to know about Michiyo.

"Who's class?"

"Mr. Yagari's," the other said.

"Thanks," I said quickly as I started running toward Master's classroom. He'd tell me anything if I asked.

"I think they've already taken her to the imfirmary!" one of the girls called after me.

At least it's in the same direction, I thought as I pushed through crowds of students. Michiyo, how could have just collapsed like that? If you weren't feeling well, you should have just stayed at the apartment.

When I reached the infirmary, I pushed the doors open ignoring anyone who was in there.

"Michiyo?" I asked breathlessly.

I finally looked around the room like I should have done the first time. Headmaster and Master were standing near one of the beds. I knew Michiyo was in the bed. Even though he'd never let Michiyo know directly, Master still cares about her. He still recognizes her as his daughter. I still don't know what's happened between them.

"Zero,what are you doing here?" Headmaster asked as he turned and stared at me.

"Is Michiyo here?" I asked, still out of breath.

After another moment of the two of them staring at me, it was Master who spoke first.

"Yes, she is," he said.

I stepped closer to them. Headmaster and Master stared at me and then looked at each other.

"Michiyo won't help you out today, Zero," Headmaster said calmly. "She collapsed for a different reason than we are expecting. After some proding, I might be able to find out."

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