Final Moon- The Fog P2

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If my estimations were correct, 100 meters in front of us was level 3. From what I could make out level 3 looked like Gehenna itself.

"So, you guys. You all ready to get killed again? I laugh while looking at the white fog that was now turning an angry fiery red.

"No, but it's not like we have a choice" Sakura remarked

"Whatever level 3 is it looks like we are in for a ride" I replied pointing towards the rest of the forest which was currently set ablaze.

As we neared the next level we decided to check for food supplies and ammunition. I looked for wild berries and plants that I could gather. After 5 minutes I had found a cluster of purple berries and mistook them for blackberries...

"Spit them out now! Do not swallow or bite" Sakura cried as she rushed over by my side.

I spat them out in confusion and I looked at her with a questioning look.

"Are you as stupid as you look Ikumi?" Sakura screamed "They are Nightshade berries you idiot! They will kill you the instant the berry breaks in your mouth" 

I looked up at her and nodded my head. How could I be so careless? How many times do I have to face death? I decided to answer in a cocky way that made things worse..

"Dammit Sakura! I do not need you to watch my every move you know!" I shouted

"Fine then, i'll let you die next time" She replied, but she seemed hurt. 

"Yarishiro! Find a water supply!" I called to him.

Yarishiro had wondered off into the fog by himself without giving us any notice. He had been silent for about half an hour and I was beginning to get worried. He never wandered off by himself.

"We should wait here, in case he comes back. It's still midday so we have a few hours to regroup and decide how we face level 3. The past 2 levels have been relatively easy. Mostly they have been either Greek Mythology or Western Indian" I began to say as I was deep in thought "We can only assume that level 3 will be either one of the two or something completely different-" Before I could finish Yarishiro had come running through the fog with his cloak on fire.

"No time to talk and plan. Level 3 is a Hydra. A 6 headed Hydra" He whimpered " Well it originally had 3, but I severed them clean off I swear it! They grew back, but they multiplied by two!" 

"Well duh! How dumb can you be! A Hydra is the only living creature that can live after you have decapitated it! You have to burn the end of the neck of which the head left with fire. Every time you remove one head two more grow back. You call yourself a Mage, i'd call you a disappointment" I abruptly stopped talking right after the words had left my mouth. 

"Guys! The last thing we need is arguments between all of us, we have a Hydra to deal with!" Sakura interrupted.

Sakura was right, the Hydra was more important. 

"Right, heres the plan. Sakura will behead the Hydra's while I distract it then Yarishiro will find a way to set a branch aflame and proceed to since the end of the necks before they regenerate. I'm assuming that there is a lake on the other side of the fog. Hydras are water creatures it can't stray to far. If the plan doesn't work then we will have to draw it to the lake and just run through" I explained.

They all nodded in agreement. So we started to head towards the Hydra. Sakura had her sword ready and Yarishiro had his branch ready with an everlasting flame lit. I ran through the fog to get the Hydra's attention and I was sucsuccessful. A little too successful as I was nearly eaten by it.

"Sakura! Get ready!" I shouted.

I looked out for Sakura getting in position and ran in her direction. As I ran past her I noticed her sword cut cleanly through one head.

"Yarishiro! Now!" Sakura commanded. The Hydra head that she had severed had hit the ground.

Yarishiro literally rode the Hyrda in order to set the thing ablaze. The fire had came from the staff the color had started off as a magnificent red but instantly turned blue as soon as it touched the Hydras blood.

This procedure was repeated 4 times. The 5th attempt was a literal fail, I was nearly squished by a huge foot. "Jesus! That nearly killed me! You guys need to hurry up! I have nearly died too many times today! I would really appreciate it if I did not die by a mythical creature."

"Pick up the pace then you Vampiric idiot. You have wings so use them!" Sakura yelled.

"I forgot about them okay!?" I screamed.

"How does a princess forget she has wings!?" Yarishiro shouted.

"Never mind that! We gotta hurry!" I yelled at them. "We don't have time, Okami will have most definitely begun his hunt for us. We are running out of time, forget the Hydra he's weak. He can't chase us it's nearly dead. Either we go or we are the trophy on my brothers wall." 

"We need to turn left, there's a dirt path. I think we should follow it. It may take us to the Final Level" Sakura observed. 

I nodded my head. "Agreed, lets go." 

If Okami found us, he would surely murder us without a sign of mercy in his empty eyes... 

That was one end I didn't want to meet.

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