Blood Moon-Queen's Terror

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When I regained consciousness I heard a familiar voice "Welcome home, Ikumi"

No, not here, anywhere but here I thought. I tried to attack the familiar voice,  but my ankles were shackled by chains.

"I must be the weakest Pure Blood Princess ever huh?" I laughed

The voice spoke again "Well, you do take after your father"

I looked up and saw a nightmare before me. The Queen. I could of sworn that I devoured her.

"How are you alive" I asked

"Regeneration Curse" she remarked

I shake my head and try to break free from the shackles that bound my ankles together, but there no use they were unbreakable. My mind suddenly went to Sakura and Yarishiro.

"Where are my friends!" I yelled

"The Pixie Elf and the Elvish Mage are your friends?" She retorted

"Yes, now tell me where they are Hag!" I Demanded

"How dare you call me a Hag. Use my name!" She screeched.

"Mita Namiko" I whispered.

She laughed "That's better, now your friends are in the dungeon getting ready for the extraction" 

"You monster!" I screamed

She merely laughed again, the extraction is where a person chains up a magical being and removed their powers. It is excruciatingly painful to go through. Imagine your limbs being slowly removed inch by inch, vein by vein. Imagine bleeding to death without being able to put yourself out of misery. That's what the extraction is like. Few people live after it due to sheer shock or they go insane from the pain. Very few live to tell the tale, those who do survive are stripped from whatever humanity they had left.

"A monster you say? It's your fault that they are here." She sneered

"I don't understand how this is my fault. I did nothing, they chose to come along with me" I cried

She simply nodded, Mita walked over to me and unlocked my shackles and dragged me across the room where she took me to the dungeons and chained me up along with Sakura and Yarishiro. They were unconscious and tear stained, their bodies had been mutilated, it looked like they had been tortured for what reason I wasn't sure. 

"What did you do to them?!" I begged

"Simple really, I sliced their limbs open and I let them bleed. None of them can heal like you can" She replied

I suddenly noticed Sakura's wounds healing and I remembered the blood pact. She has my powers to heal. I needed to distract Mita

"Lets play a game then, If you can guess correctly which one i gave healing powers to you can kill them both and I won't stop you" I suggested

"Hmmm, I like games. The person you gave your powers to would need to be strong and powerful, someone you trust, but not too much. Someone who can handle the powers you hold. My guess is that it was the Elvish Mage. Now watch your friends die" She laughed

"Well see that's where you are wrong Mita, see I do trust them both, but not wholeheartedly, Yarishiro the Elvish Mage has his heart set on killing me the moment my quest is fulfilled, therefore he won't allow anyone to harm me of he can stop them he will. That's where my trust comes in.  I trust him to protect me. Now Sakura the Pixie Elf, is participating in a blood pact, meaning that she can't harm me that's also where my trust comes in. So, after all that you were wrong. It's Sakura who can heal." I explain

The whole time we were talking I was distracting the Queen from noticing Sakura's wounds healing. The Queen screamed in anger as Sakura regained consciousness.

"Hello, Mita." Sakura said

"Stay where y-you are!" The Queen stuttered

With one movement Sakura broke the chains in two and was free. I had never seen a Pixie Elf's power in action, but I had been told that their power was spectacular. The wind from outside shattered the windows as Sakura's true power was unleashed. Fire appeared out of no where at flew at the Queen setting her hair ablaze while multiple mini tornado's were formed around Sakura. Her eyes had turned pure white as if she were possessed.

I ran over to Yarishiro and checked for signs of life, thankfully he was regaining consciousness.

"Hey, you can't die yet. You want to kill me don't you? So don't go dying on me now" I smiled 

"Don't worry Princess, I don't intend on dying yet" He laughed

"How did you survive that?" I questioned

"I keep a small supply of regeneration tablets on me, they are quite handy." He answered 

After I had made sure that Yarishiro was alive, I turned to Sakura who was ferociously dueling with Mita. I had to help he, but my body was in too bad of a shape to force my transformation. Mine and Sakura's deal was still in tact.

"Sakura, I need permission to transform" I shout

"Granted!" She said as she aimed a fireball at Mita

I instantly regretted my decision, I had forgotten about my wings being torn off. I had forgotten that I had been tortured in this form. My healing powers however were tremendous. My wings didn't grow back my power was restored. 

"Mita, this is it for you. You will not cause anymore harm". I stated as I slit her throat.

Her blood spilled to the floor then her body fell to the ground with a thud.

"Are we safe?" Yarishiro asked.

"Yes, for now at least" I replied

At that precise moment another being had entered the room.

"Ugh, too much drama." I groaned

I looked around and was astonished as I saw...him.



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