Blood Moon-The Capture

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A few weeks later

After weeks of walking through the thick forest, we were no where near the exit of the forest, if anything we were at the heart. Animals of all shapes and sizes had emerged from the tree line and gazed at us in awe. The trees above us rustled as the wind blew through the branches as leaves fell to the floor in a mesmerizing spiral. 

"Hey, Sakura. I wonder if anyone else knows about this place?" I  wondered

"It's untouched by humans, which indicates it's unknown" She replied happily.

I should of thought of that, anything discovered by the homo-sapiens is destroyed in an instant. It was a miracle that this part of the forest was untouched and alive. Everything around us was Pure, I could sense the magic in the air, most of all I could sense the happiness. It was so serine. 

"Ikumi, I suggest moving out of the way unless you would like to be impaled by a stampeding Stag" Yarishiro said vaguely

 I whipped around to see a beautiful Stag cantering towards me. I dashed out of the way immediately as he dashed past. Something had caught my eye as he passed me

"Sakura, stop that Stag!" I ordered

As commanded, she grew vines surrounding the Stag and calmed him down.

"Whats that on his left flank?" I asked

"An arrow, not just any arrow. A nightshade one" She exclaimed

I dashed over to take a look, the arrow was so strange I certainly didn't recognize it. 

"Yarishiro, is it familiar?" I asked

"Kind of, the Imperial Majesty used these when the Black Magic corrupted her soul, But she was banished to Gehenna to suffer a thousand deaths." He replied

"Is there any way that she could of escaped after my brother Okami broke the barrier?" I thought

"It is possible, I mean Ren escaped" He concluded

I yanked the arrow out, but the poison had already entered the Stags body. So I only really had one choice. I had to suck the poison out.

"Sakura, stop me once the poison has left his body, once you have stopped me Yarishiro needs to bind me in chains. Nightshade Poison makes the person/animal receiving it mock the symptoms of Rabies" I added

They both nodded and positioned themselves. I knelt down and regrettably sunk my teeth into his left flank and began to extract the poison. It burnt my mouth and my throat as if my insides were on fire. I knew i got all the poison, but I couldn't stop. Until I was slammed against a tree and was bounded by chains. After that I can't remember, I must of blacked out.

A few hours later

"What happened?" I asked worryingly

"Well, to put it bluntly you started foaming at the mouth talking in your Native Tongue, then you started to have a fit like you were possessed, oh and you made yourself bleed by trying to break free, rather entertaining I must admit" Yarishiro commented while while howling with laughter

"All that for a Stag?" Sakura pointed out

"This place is untouched by mankind,  i'd hate if we saw an animal in distress and we left it" I shrugged

We carried on walking for hours, It was getting darker and darker by the miniute. By the time night had replied the forrest was silent, the only sound that was present was the hooting of an owl or the chirping of a grasshopper, but peace and serenity doesn't last forever..

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