Red Moon - The Awakening

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Ikumi is a princess, and she was quite the character too. Her skin was a pale white, her eyes were as red as fresh blood, she wore nothing but black, even her hair was the color of a Raven. How do I know? I am Ikumi.

The Beginning~

I guess it all started when my Father died, he was a Vampire Noble and King his job was to be king and keep peace throughout Assiah and Gehenna. My father kept the regions of Assiah under control, this included the Devil Pixie's land Pixie's Corner, the Vampires land, "Dawn", and the Elves who owned the coast. The Demons, however, used to belong to Gehenna, but my brother Okami destroyed the barrier. The Demon King  Misfit murdered my father for being a Vampire. My Vampire powers however had not yet been awoken so I was safe until my 18th birthday. 

During the time when my father died, certain acts of Taboo occurred within the regions Elves mated with the Pixies to create a killing machine to wipe out the remaining Vampires who in return mated with the Mortals. My father created me because it was the only way to have an heir to his throne that wasn't a killing Pure Blood Master Of Destruction. His act of Taboo was over looked by the Imperials and declared null and void. When the Pixies had mastered the art of Black Magic they made their appearance Mortal like. The only thing that distinguishes them from us is their pointy ears and devil horns. 

"Ikumi! You are daydreaming again! Pay attention you filthy mongrel!" My mother screeched.

I simply shrugged "Yes your Majesty". 

In my mothers eyes I was a filthy mongrel, a vile Half Breed. I wasn't even her child in her eyes. I was merely her Maid Of All Work. 

"Your brother has given me an idea" she sneered.

Reluctantly I replied knowing the answer "Does this i-idea include me being in danger Mistress?" 

"Lets say death is possible" The Queen laughed.

I simply nodded, Mother has this thing where she sends me to the front lines hoping I won't return. Every time I wished for death. I wished for an arrow to sink into my heart but then I remember that I am immortal. My age couldn't even kill me. The only thing that could is if I was burned alive an put in separate jars which would stop my regeneration.

"Your mission is to find the Head Elf and Head Devil Pixie and retrieve the Trinket of Mass Destruction. Run away and I will slay your people by using Black Magic" Mother growled

"Mother...I uh mean Mistress the use of Black Magic is of the highest Taboo. You'd be executed Ma'am" I mentioned

She merely laughed "I am the Queen of Assiah I get away with murder" 

"And my Father was king of Assiah he kept the realms in order and under control, but no! Brother had to break the barrier and get him killed!"

"Watch your dammed mouth child! You may be a Vampire but you will not speak to me in that tone again!" 

I felt a sharp pain on my cheek. 

Grudgingly I replied "Yes Ma'am. Sorry Ma'am"

"You are a filthy Pure Blood" she spat.

"I am a Half Breed. Not a Pure Blood" I smiled

"No I am not your mother that was simply all a lie so your sickly putrid daddy could keep you safe. Although I would rather you rot in Gehenna! Your father tricked me into believing that he was human so I would marry him. He erased your memory so you would think you are a Half Breed and that I was your mother. Guess what, you may be a Princess but you're a Vampire Princess. Now fulfill your mission"

Stunned I nodded, Everything I thought I was, was a lie. I'm not a Half Breed i'm the person who is responsible for Assiah's salvation or destruction.I turned around I fled to fathers room I tears. Once I had reached his room I found out that everything was in the same place as it was that fateful night.

"Why Father? Why me?" I cried

Of course no one answered. So I searched the room to answer my own question.

A Few Hours Later

The last thing I needed to check was his wardrobe. As I opened the doors I nearly fainted. Right there before me was my Fathers Katana, but on the sheath was a note addressed to me...

My Dear Daughter,

As you may already know, you are the Pure Blood Princess the only Pure Blood left so as soon as your Adoptive Mother finds a way to kill you by sending you on a mission take my Katana and repeat these words "From him it was made and to me it was given. King of Assiah return my power of which you stole" Do not break contact with the Katana it is your lifeline, if it dies, you die. Your people await for your arrival once you reach Dawn many Vampires will either want to serve you or kill you that choice remains in your hand on what your orders are. I hope you are well my dear child, destiny awaits. 

Love from your Father

As I closed the letter I looked at the Katana. My hand reached out and grabbed the Katana.

 I recited the words.  "From him it was made and to me it was given. King Of Assiah return my power of which you stole" 

The Katana glowed and vibrated. As a thick layer of black fog seeped out from within the sheath. Suddenly the Katana started to make a high pitched whistling noise that pierced through the silent room. 

Finally it stopped, I felt different and something was weighing be down from behind, i walked over to the mirror. The thing dragging me down were my wings. My wings were beautiful. I had noticed that my attire ha also changed into a red and black Gothic dress with cuffs on my wrist, my hair was still thankfully black but it was styled in a crazy way. 

My throat was bone dry

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My throat was bone dry. At first I wondered why, but then i remembered that my Vampire self had just awoken I as thirsty for blood. I needed blood. So I called for a servant.

"You called..WHAT ARE YOU?" he screamed

" I am the Princess of all Vampires. My name is Ikumi Yamada. Heir to the Dawn throne and I am hungry" I laughed

He fainted clean away.

"Well that was easy" I giggled

As I sunk my teeth into his neck my thirst was quenched at last. Blood trickled down my neck as a new personality was born.

"Oops, I made a mess" I giggled

I made my way to the window to bask in the Moonlight but it had turned Blood Red. So i basked in the red glow. I made my way to the Courtyard where my body was glowing white from the Moon rays. My next destination is to find the Trinket Of Destruction and The Trinket Of Peace.

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