"You better not be waking her up," Jess whisper shouted at her husband.

He stuck his tongue out at her. "I'm not. I'm just thinking we might need to have another one."

"What?" Jess stopped beside him and stared with bewilderment. "So you can leave me at home with two babies while you're on season."

Bray made it to the NFL. No surprises there. It was his dream and he'd worked for it. Harder than any one of us thought that he was capable of. I was proud. So was Jess. But I knew that it could prove challenging at times. More so when Frankie was a newborn. Things were just getting easier and although they could afford the extra care and the nannies and the cleaners, Jess was a hands on mom and she'd put her career on the back burner while she raised Frankie. I think that she'd made it more clear to me, than her husband, that one child was enough for her.

"Come on," he gave her a gentle nudge. "Frankie will be off to school soon. It'll be easier."

Jess rolled her eyes and stared down at my six week old daughter. "I'm thinking that I'll go back to work when she goes to school. Plus if we have more kids, that pushes my plans to open the restaurant back even further."

Ahh my best friends. Nothing was private. Nothing. I'd been ear to conversations about their sex life. Their finances. Their jobs. But that was fine. I didn't care. Once in a while I would interject with an unwanted opinion. It annoyed them and then they shut the hell up. The oversharing wasn't an issue. It was the incessant bickering. To be honest, if Heath wasn't such a private person, I'd overshare too. But I'd had to learn how to rein it in since it made him uncomfortable when I talked about our wild sex in front of the guests.

So instead I did it when he wasn't around. I mean, I wasn't bashing him. I was boasting. About our wonderful sex life. That wasn't a bad thing.

"Ooh look," Jess quietly gasped before Bray could continue arguing with her. "She's stirring."

I knew that I wasn't supposed to wake her up but if she was starting to come around on her own, I wouldn't object to getting her out for cuddles. I loved her little smoosh cheeks and big pillow lips that smacked with her gurgles and yawns. Precious.

The sound of feet padding up the hall made me turn around and I found Heath wandering in with Frankie on his hip. He was on call at the hospital and had been called out about an hour ago. We lived close though. For that purpose. It was about four minutes down the road. My man was a peds Doctor. He healed the little babies and children. It was the hottest thing ever. And of course I noticed how the mothers of his patients would swoon over him too.

They could keep having fantasies over their little Doctor affairs. Dreamers.

"This one was stealing cucumber out of a bowl on the bench," he set Frankie down and spoke with a whisper. "What's everyone doing up here?"

"We're just talking about how much your daughter looks like you," Bray taunted Heath.

Heath rolled his eyes and sidled up beside me, pressing a kiss against my cheek. "That's a good joke. Haven't heard it before."

Yeah our little girl was never going to get my blue eyes or Heath's olive skin. Instead she was a deep sable with thick black hair. We'd adopted her from a small village in Africa after a long gruelling process of IVF failed. It seemed that I couldn't conceive children or hold a pregnancy. The doctors were pretty sure that the D&C would have caused long term issues but that there was a pre existing reason for the uninhabitable womb. Especially because I'd miscarried before.

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