Follow my rules

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The rest of the walk to Naylah's house was done in complete silence. This was best because the things running through my mind at present, were not legal. I swear this wife of mine is going to make me lose my sanity. I cannot believe that she had the fucking audacity to basically prostitute herself in front of me, and our daughter like that. The lesson I'm going to teach her tonight, she's going to wish she never crossed me like that.  As we got to the house, she struggled to get the stroller up onto the porch.
"Let me"
I told her and quickly took the stroller out of her grasp and eased it onto the porch, since my little girl was still asleep inside.  She proceeded to unlock the front door and hastily take Amari out of the stroller and walk off with her , I'm guessing in the direction of her nursery. Shaking my head to myself, I closed up the stroller and placed it where I had seen it placed on my previous visit, and then headed in the same direction that my wife and daughter went. I enjoy calling Naylah and Amari  that, my wife and my daughter, because now they truly are mine and I would spoil them both but also ensure they know who is the head of this family. Speaking of which, I have not forgotten that little act my disobedient wife put on out in public and I very much intend to make my displeasure known to her. I slowed to a halt once I spotted Naylah sitting in a rocking chair and singing our daughter to sleep. She must have awoken with the transition from her stroller to her mother's arms. Seeing this interaction, further strengthens my reasoning for marrying her and adopting Amari. I truly cannot wait to see her pregnant with our next child. The thought alone is making me want to set up an appointment with my personal physician to see it set into motion, but I know it's too soon for that and plus Amari still needs her mother's undivided attention for a little longer. When she turns two, we'll start the process to make her a big sister.

"Fucking lunatic"

I hear my wife whisper as she passes next to me and head into the direction of our bedroom, yes ours. We're wife and wife now , so everything is now termed as ours. I quickly snapped out of my wayward thoughts and follow in her direction, only to realise that she has locked me out of our bedroom.

"Naylah! I'm only going to tell you this once, open this door right now!.
I grit out as I banged my fist against the door. She knows exactly how to set me off.

" Lower your damn voice you neanderthal before you wake up my child!!"
She shouted back at me and I think I officially lost it. 

"I'm going to give you 10 seconds to open this bloody door before I break it down Naylah!!"
I shouted at her, any logical thinking that I had prior to her disrespectful remark officially left me. All I could focus on was getting this door out of my way and putting her in her place.

"Good luck with that!!"
She replied and then I hear the sound of her shower turned on. Seething now, I stormed off to the kitchen and looked through her kitchen draws until I located what I needed and headed back to her bedroom door. I used the ice pick to push into the hole on the doorknob, straight through for as far as it could go then I turned and twisted the pick until the lock opened. She is going to regret challenging me like that, I thought to myself as I closed the door once again and locked it then made my way to her bathroom. Time to show my wayward wife that I'm not the one to mess with.  As I stepped into the bathroom, I could see the shape of her naked back clearly through the shower since it was all glass. I thank God for blessing me with such a sexy wife, I just wish her attitude was in check. I quickly and quietly undressed and walked over to the shower and slowly opened the door and stepped inside. She must have been in deep thoughts because not once did she notice my presence. I moved myself behind her and pressed my body against hers as well as pressed hers into the wall with my movement.


"Seems your good luck wasn't in vain, huh wife?".
I sarcastically told her as I gently moved my left hand up to her neck and my right hand into her hair and wrapped it around my wrist and pulled her head back.

"You still want to fucking disrespect me baby?".
I whispered into her ear. I didn't even want an answer from her,  my lust had officially taken over any logical thinking. All I was focused on was her wet smooth ass against my lower belly and just the overall feeling of her body against mine.

"You belong to me now Naylah, and I'm a very jealous and selfish woman. I only intend to share you with our children, not anyone else. So, dont you ever and I mean ever fucking try something like what you tried on our way home!!"

I growled into her ear as my hand around her neck tightened slightly to emphasize on how serious I am.

"Leave me alone you sick fu...".

I cut her off by putting my hand over her mouth. I removed my hand from her hair and turned off the shower, then I pulled her out of the shower and towards the bed where I threw her onto the bed and before she could attempt to get away, I used the tie from her bathrobe which was on her bed to restrain her hands and put them over her head.

"Reagan..w-what are you doing?!!! This is rape!!!!"
She shouted at me but at this point I had enough of her mouth and plus seeing her naked body displayed before me all wet from the shower, my hormones might be in full control now.  Therefore,  I chose to ignore her.

"You promised me a month!!!!"
She once again tried to reason with me.

"Well baby, since you didn't want to follow my rules and be respectful and watch your fucking tone, that deal is no longer available to you. So, I've decided that we're  going to consummate our marriage ".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2021 ⏰

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