Changed Plans

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I have never hurried out of that diner before in the 2 years that I've been living in this town. Never!!. But all it took was one crazy woman ordering a cake from me, and now she's making my life a living hell. Why can't she just disappear already. Doesn't she have more important things to attend to, like run a boarding school somewhere far away from here. God why me!!. So lost in my thoughts, thinking up excuses that would be good enough to keep her at bay, I almost bumped into the gorgeous man in front of me. Noah.

"Whoa!!! Don't run we over now!".

He exclaimed with a huge smile on his handsome face. Noah is the town's craftsman. He owns a furniture shop and he makes all the furniture for his shop at his workshop at home. This man is so talented with his hands and oh so easy on the eyes too. I always joke that he should become a male model, he's that gorgeous.

" Oh! I'm so sorry Noah, I was not paying attention to where I was going."

I apologised with a smile on my face. Praying that he couldn't see the slight blush that I can feel burning up my cheeks. Judging by that smirk on his face, he definitely saw my blushing. And what do you know, I blushed even more.

"Who or what seems to be occupying space in that pretty head of yours? I sure wish I had that privilege".

He flirted and I couldn't help the smile on my face from growing. Gosh he's so fine but no I can't, Amari is my only focus but then hmmm, maybe he can help me with my little problem. Not that I'm using him, I would like to get to know him better also.

"I bet you would Noah. Ummm, are you doing anything later by chance? ".

I asked while holding onto the stroller handle tightly. I could feel my heart beating loudly in my ears from the fear of being turned down by him. I need him to accept so badly. Please say yes, please say yes,  I kept chanting over and over in my head.

" I so happen to be free after four today, what can I help you with beautiful? ".

He asked me and I let out the breath that I had been holding. Yessss!! Thank you goddess.

" Well maybe if you would like, you can come have dinner with us later?".

I asked shyly, this is the first time I have ever asked a man out.

"I would love to spend my evening with two of the most beautiful girls in this town. What time should I come over? ".

He asked with that sexy smile on his face. this man is going to make me sin my soul.

" Six thirty should be a good enough time".

I informed him after clearing my throat so that my voice didn't betray my dirty thoughts.

"I'll be there".

He answered,  then he bent over to tickle my daughter which caused her to giggle cutely and this made me smile.  Saying our goodbyes, we continued on our way home with me smiling silly all the way there. My day just turned around completely, thanks to bumping into Noah there is now going to be changed plans. Headmistress can take her scowling ass back to wherever she came, I'm not going to be bullied by her.

By the time six o'clock had artived, I already had Amari and myself bathed and dressed and the food was almost done. I was just finishing set the dining table when I heard the door bell go off. Not expecting Noah to arrive this early, but still happy that he's eager to spend the time with us, I walked towards the front door.

"I wasn't expecting you this early No.... ".

I trailed off once I realised that it wasn't Noah who was on my doorstep.

" You expecting company other than me?".

She gritted out while forcing herself into my house and closing the door. 

"What the fu..."

I was cut off when she pushed me up against the front door. Trapping me between her hands.

"You are really beginning to annoy me Naylah. Who the fuck did you invite over here? ".

She growled out, her face just mere inches from mines. This bitch is unbelievable, I kept thinking. Who forces themselves into someone's home and then acts like that person is a cheating spouse. I try pushing her off but she is just to strong.

" Fucking stop!, now listen good, whoever it was that you invited, you need to tell them that its cancelled. Do it now or else there will be consequences".

She yelled at me while holding my hands in her left hand and holding onto my jaw with her right. The look on her face said that she was deadass serious about her threat. I'm no pushover and if she thinks that I would 'obey' her then she can go fuck off somewhere.

"No you listen to me you fucking nut, I don't give a damn fu.....! ".

She cut me off with her lips. Was this woman kissing me right now?!! I tried to fight her off with all my strength but she wouldn't budge. She placed my hands over my head and held on tightly with her left hand and moved her right hand to my neck. She never stopped kissing my lips. This is bad, very very bad.

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