I have conditions

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I tried to sit on my flaming ass but I couldn't. That crazy bitch beat me and I'm still completely shocked that it happened. And even more so at the fact that I gave in to the lashes. They hurt so much that I had to comply to get her to finish quickly. I slowly got off the bed and walked to the un-suite to "tidy up" as she called it. I looked at my messed up hair and blotched, tear stained face.

"God I look a whole mess".

I whispered to myself before I opened the tap and begin to splash water onto my face. After I was done getting myself presentable, I slowly made my way out of the room and headed towards the devil and her eye raping assistant. When I approached the two, her assistant was the first to look up at me and let's just say that she takes subtle to new heights. I'm shocked that what's her face, doesn't notice the way her assistant sexually assaults me with her eyes. Rolling my eyes at her in dismissal, I walk over to the other side and sit away from the two.

"Come here Naylah ".

The she demon demanded of me because it sure as hell wasn't a request. But since I really don't need/want/ or fucking deserve a replay of what happened in that damn bedroom, I got up and went to sit next to her. As soon as my aching ass touched the sofa, she pulled me close to her by my waist and kissed me on my neck.

"You smell so good, you're very lucky that I know restraints".

She whispered into my ear and as much as I wanted to curse her out and slap the stalker out of her, I just remained stoic and allowed her to smell on my neck. God please send forth a miracle, I need about ten.

"Go ahead Evalyn."

She told her assistant, while she still held onto me and her face was pressed against my neck. I looked over at Evalyn and she looked straight at me with a hard expression, one that I couldn't decipher.  The fuck!

"As was said previously,  these are th......"

"I am not signing any...."

I cut her off to say but ended up gasping out loud due to this butch bitch pressing into my sore ass. I know that was a warning. I need to approach this differently before she beats me again. Oh Lord I'm in an abusive situation. Fuck my life.

"I..I--I'm sorry Evalyn, what I meant by my interruption is that I have conditions."

I stated quietly, and Reagan moved away from my neck (thank goodness) to look at me.


She asked me and I simply nodded.

"Let's hear them then!".

She said in an extremely frigid tone.  Well someone's bitching, I thought as I rolled my eyes at her.

"Well I will sign the documents but I need you to agree to me continuing to live here, and keeping my bakery opened. And last condition is that there won't be anything sexual between us".

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