Accept me or else....

668 37 9

Being in this situation would be such a turn on if only it was a man kissing me, like Noah. However, its not a man and in no way is this pleasurable. I need to get this woman off me and out of my house as quickly as possible. But how?!!!. Oh for the love of God, I am not a lesbian, heck I'm not even a bisexual woman or one of those "I'm curious" ones. I'm a 'dick only' kind of woman. Women don't turn me on, like at all. Why can't she understand this about me!!!!.
'Think Naylah...think!!' I yell to myself mentally to think up of something that would get her away from me before this could go any further. I hate what I need to do but what other choice to I have at this time, absolutely none. Ever so slowly (and with complete disgust), I start kissing her back with the hope that she'd loosen her hold on me.


Did this bitch just moan?!!! Uugghhh the actual fuck!!. As soon as I feel her let go of my hands, I use all my built up strength and disdain and push her off me and run towards my kitchen and grab the biggest knife I have from out of the holder and point it towards her.

"Don't fucking come any closer or I won't think twice to use this on you!" I gritted out. I'm so done with this woman. I need her out of my life and that happens tonight.

"Do you really think that that knife would stop me from getting what I want Naylah? Hmmm?". She asked me with a smirk on her fucking face while she leaned against the kitchen island. And, the funny thing is that I actually believe her, which is so messed up. Ok Naylah its time to bluff your way out of this situation.

"I don't really give a rat's ass what you want, I just need you to leave my house befo......".

"Before what huh!!!" She interrupted me to yell as she straightened up off the island and made one step towards me with a serious expression on her face. Oh boy!, the crazy is coming out.

"Do you really think that knife is keeping me over here? If you do Naylah, then think again. You are extremely disrespectful, and need to be taught a proper lesson but i cant discipline you since you haven't accepted the fact that you belong to me as yet. Oh baby!, when that day comes I am going to make sure you pay for all this stress you're putting me through.

Apart from that, I will admit that I got carried away with you earlier. But really what is a woman to do when the object of her affection and future wife is standing in front of her with barely anything on at all. So do please pardon my hormones, as it has been a while since I've had pussy. And let's just say that while I could get pussy easily, my palate is quite set on tasting yours only".

I stood there like a statue in complete shock over what she just told me. I cannot believe the things she just said and to think I just only called her crazy. This woman is meant for an asylum. Shit shit shit!!!! what is wrong with me??? Do I somehow attract only weirdos? First Danté who couldn't appreciate having a good/faithful woman in his life. Now this bitch who can't stop trying to be with an overly straight woman. What is really wrong with me? Maybe I should start back going to church on Sundays, just maybe a little prayer and deliverance would rebuke the craziness and drama in my life and set me free.

So lost I was in my thoughts that I wasn't prepared to have the knife ripped out of my hand and headmistress turn me over and push me into the counter.


"W..wha..what are y...."

"Shut the fuck up Naylah!" She whispered harshly into my ear.

"Listen to me very carefully, and as much as I would love to fuck you really hard in this position until you learn who you belong to, I won't give in to my carnal urges. Only because I mean to make you my wife first and very soon at that. But you better believe that once you're officially mines, I would punish you so very good that you would think twice before you ever disrespect me again."

She stated quietly in my ear, while she leaned her body into mines against the counter. When she was done giving me her little speech, she eased off me and walked away towards the living room. I just stood there still with my back turned towards the door. I can't get over the audacity of this woman. Maybe she's so used to getting what she wants that she believes she can have me. But no way in hell am I ever going to get married to her.


I was startled out of my daze when I heard her call my name in that cold tone of hers.

"I'm so done with this!!, I'm a grown woman and I provide for myself, no way I'm letting this woman bully her way into my life. No fucking way!!".

I ranted to myself as I straightened my clothes and stamped heavy footed into the living room. There she was sitting on my couch like she owns this place. Man am I fuming the nerve of this bitch!.

"You need to leave my house."

I told her in as calm a voice as I could muster at the moment. While I crossed my arms and tapped my right foot on the floor and glared at her.

"Not before I get a positive answer to a question I am yet to ask you."

She informed me in an equally calm voice. I looked at her as though she lost even more of her marbles on the short walk from the kitchen to the living room.

"Haven't you said enough shit tonight?, look I really don't have time for you and your question. You've over stayed your unwelcome, so it's time to go".

I stated firmly and once again, as though I was experiencing a deja vu, I walked to the front door and opened it for her to leave. When I saw her slowly ease off the couch, I mentally did a happy dance since I was finally about to rid my house of this evil. What I didn't expect was for her to slam my door shut and push me up against it. Oh for fucks sake not again!!!!!

"Something tells me that you like being in this position Naylah. Do you?".

"Shut the fuck up you psycho bitch and leave my house!!".

"Tsk....tsk...tsk we just had a conversation about your disrespect baby. Do not tempt me anymore than I already am". She growled in my ear.

"Fuck you!!..I don't care who or what you are stay aw.....".


She shouted in a very aggressive tone and that shut me right up.

" that I have your attention, I will be sending my personal assistant over here tomorrow and she would help you start to plan for our wedding until you can choose a planner. I was going to ask you to marry but that privilege was taken away since you want to act up".

"What!!!!!...No way in hell I'm marrying you!!!!".

"Yes you are....your opinion no longer matters in this".

This crazy/delusional spoiled brat! !! Who does she think she is??!!!.

"I am not marrying you!!!!".

I shouted into the door and felt her hold on me get tighter.

"You will marry me and you will accept me or else......".

"Or else what? !!!".

I screamed out at her completely forgetting that my daughter is asleep in her room and the noise could wake her.

"Or else I would take away everything you love dearly. So think wisely before you reject me".

With that explanation, I shut down and quit fighting in her hold. I just know that she is evil and insane enough to destroy my life..she has the money to do exactly what she says.  My daughter!!! way she could take her away from me. Amari is mines. I could handle losing everything I have but never her. I would die without my little girl.

"I'm glad you are taking my words seriously because I am not one who gives out empty threats. So tomorrow my assistant would be here and you better be welcoming and cooperative and definitely not rude. Do you understand Naylah?!".

"Naylah!!...I said do y....".

"Y.y..yes I understand".

I answered quietly and with that, she moved away, kissed my cheek and left my house.

"What am I going to do?".

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