Tanks and Shorts

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Today is Sunday and since I don't open the shop on a Sunday,  I decided to have a girls day with my baby girl. So, this morning we both had our refreshing morning baths,  and then we get dressed in cute outfits.

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I pack all of our things (mostly Amari's things) into my backpack and pick her up as I push the stroller outside and locked our front door

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I pack all of our things (mostly Amari's things) into my backpack and pick her up as I push the stroller outside and locked our front door. Walking down the few stairs, I struggle to hold onto Amari and the stroller without falling over. I placed her inside and then we were off to start out mother/daughter day.

"To the diner we go!! ".

I exclaimed loudly as I pushed Amari down the sidewalk and I heard her giggle and clap her hands in excitement. I laugh at her antics and continue talking to her in silly loud voices. I just love making my baby laugh, it's the best sound in the world to me. Once we arrived at Auntie May's diner,  I pushed open the door with my butt as I pulled/pushed the stroller inside. 

"Well if it isn't my two favorite girls, how are you all dong today? ".

Miss May asked me as she came around the counter to give me a hug and pull Amari out if her stroller to kiss her. My daughter absolutely loves Miss May, as do I.

" We're both pretty fine Miss May. What about you, is everything good with you? ".

I enquired as I walked towards our usual table which is a window seat. I push the stroller out of the way as Miss May puts Amari in a booster chair. I remove my backpack and then sit next to Amari's booster chair and wait for Miss May to finish with her task of securing my daughter.

" I'm beyond fine sugar. Would you be having the usual or you wanna try something different this time? ".

She answered my question and asked me one in the same breath. Mulling it over in my head, all but five seconds, I made a decision to be spontaneous today.

" You know what Miss May, surprise me. I'm feeling a bit adventurous today".

I told her with a smirk on my face and then I started to laugh as I saw the expression on her face.

"Uh... Huh,  I'm sure you are honey. I'll be right back with your meals".

She told me as she turned and made her way to the kitchen to place our orders. As my laughter died down, I looked around the diner and spotted a few familiar faces and give them smiles as well as a little wave as way of greetings. I then turn my head towards the table opposite mines and locked eyes with the only person I really wished never to see again. 'Headmistress'.

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