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From the moment the opening started,  I kept searching around the bistro with my eyes for her. I learned that her name is Naylah and that she is actually the owner of the cute little pastry shop. She piqued my interests, a lot, and I just needed to know more about her.  She's not just beautiful, but also very talented. The cake design was simplistic but very elegant not to mention beyond delicious.

Hearing my name being called to the podium, I walked over to the manager I hired to run this bistro and took the microphone from him, and delivered my little speech. As soon as I was done giving my speech and everyone applauded, I decided to leave the event and head back to the hotel. To say I was pissed off would be an understatement, I was royally pissed that she disregarded my invitation. If it's one thing I dislike, it's when people don't follow my orders. I didn't become the successful business woman that I am today because of smiles and giggles, no it was a mixture of hard work, determination and gaining control of not just things but people also. I loved control and I thrived on having control over others the most.

By the time I stepped into the presidential suite at the hotel, my anger had blossomed into something resembling rage. I threw my jacket carelessly onto one of the couches and started working on my tie. I needed to cool off before I lost it. Why is she having such an effect on me. Normally when someone disobeys me,  I would get pissed but never to lose control over my emotions like this.  So much so, that I want to find her, put her over my legs and spank her bare ass until it's all red and she's squirming and begging me to stop.

"Mmmmmm.... Fuck!! ".

I groaned loudly. That visual is not going to help me cool down, it only makes me want to fuck her into submission. I would so enjoy possessing every inch of her. Shaking my head of those thoughts, I continue my journey towards the bathroom. A cold shower should help me erase those images from my mind. I finished undressing and stepped inside, turned the shower on, and stood under the spray of the extremely cold water. I stayed in there for atleast 20 minutes longer than usual, just allowing the cold water to work into my heated body and tensed muscles. When I had enough,  I stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel and dried my body and hair. Then I walked back into the bedroom and pulled on a robe over my nakedness,  not bothering to dress since I don't have anything to do or anywhere to go.

I waked into the suite's sitting room and poured myself a glass of wine. I had never quite aquired the taste for amber coloured liquors. I had always had a preference for wines. Carrying my drink over to the couch,  I sat down and replayed the day's events in my mind. Originally it was my assistant's job to collect the cake but since I needed her to be somewhere else and last minute at that too, I had to step in. Thus, the reason for me ending up at the little pastry shop and I am so glad that I did. I was immediately impressed with the decor of the little shop but what made me freeze on spot, was her voice.

Once I turned around and saw her, I just knew that I had to make her mines. I would admit that when she called me beautiful,  it somewhat shocked me. I mean I've been called many a things but never beautiful,  handsome yes but not beautiful. Then she added even more fire to the flame already sparked inside of me when she called me miss. The things I wished I could've done to her at that moment. I softly chuckled to myself while I slowly sipped from my glass and kept replaying everything that happend in my mind. The touch of our fingers and her reaction towards me. I intimidated her and I knew that she wanted me gone but at that time I was a little pissed off with her reactions and I thought it was due to her being unavailable.

Then there is her daughter, no doubt I was taken aback by her very existence but it won't stop me in my pursuit of the mother. Her daughter is just as gorgeous as her. As I continue sipping on my wine, I am thinking about seeing her pregnant and it being with my baby growing inside her. I finish off the wine in my glass as I shake my head of my crazy thoughts which has been induced no doubt by the wine as well as fatigue. I get up and proceed to the bedroom to sleep, I take off the robe and climb in between the sheets sighing in contentment before closing my eyes.

"I'll see you again Naylah".

I whispered before sleep took over.

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