Don't Lie

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When that word was uttered from her mouth, I felt any bit of control that I had over my lust slip away. 'Headmistress' what made her call me this, I thought as I keep glaring at her. She realised her error and physically blanched which made me smirk. No way I am going to let her lie her way out of this one.

"Headmistress huh!?, now why would you call me that?".

I asked her as I stared at her,  observing her body language and facial expression. I would know if she is lying to me, so she better tell me the truth.

" We--well the thing is that it just came out by mistake. A slip of the tongue basically ".

She explained weakly,  I guess hoping that I would let it go. Nope!!  Try again baby and this time the truth,  I thought to myself.

" A slip of the tongue, hmmm, now let's try that again but this time, don't lie! ".

I told her sternly as my patience was running thin with all her petty excuses and attitude problem. Of which, the latter needs adjusting quickly and you can bet that I will set it right. Looking into her eyes,  I see the defeat flash through her brown orbs before she slowly drops her head and curses under her breath.

"Ok,  fine!!!!, I made up that nickname because I thought that it suited you".

She explained and this made me curious as to why she would decide on such a name to address me.

" Why?, why that particular name? ".

I asked while I leaned forward a bit to focus even more intently on her. I wasn't lying when I said that this woman intrigued the hell out of me.

" Because when I first met you and even now,  you striked me as very stern and aloof. You were/are really cold and very domineering. That's why,  you remind me of a headmistress".

She explained quietly and I'm grateful that I had leaned forward or else I would be asking her to repeat herself. I was really surprised by her answer and a little impressed if not insulted, I mean I do have that whole "needs to have control" vibe going for me. She,  as well as many others can sense that about me,  since my personality is so strong and it can be unsettling for many people. I guess she fell into the category of those who I scare and intimidate. Usually I could care less but I don't need her to fear me,  because I need her trust. I need her to have complete, blinding trust in me and in order for that to happen,  I would have to reassure her.

"I won't apologize for my personality since it is what makes me the successful woman that I am today. However, I can't have you still thinking of me as a grumpy old woman who walks around with a permanent scowl on her face and a cane in her hand. I mean,  I much rather a smirk than a scowl and I only use my cane during intimate sessions ".

I informed her and I watched closely as her cheeks tinted red with an obvious blush to my sexual reference. Mmm, that's an interesting development, it means that Naylah is not as innocent as she looks. God I can't wait to get my hands, and mouth on her. Hearing her clear her throat, I push my lust back into the back of my mind so as not to freak her out anymore than my personality already has, I don't need her scared of me.

"I need to leave now".

She whispered as she started packing her backpack but not before placing money on the table to pay for her food. I just sat back and observed her actions like the predator that I am,  as she carefully unstrapped her daughter from the booster chair. She got up next, and moved the stroller to the front,  next to the booster seat and took out her daughter to replace her in the stroller. As she was pushing the stroller near my side of the table, I quickly grabbed a hold of her wrist and pulled her gently towards me.

"It's very rude to not say goodbye beautiful, and I'll see you both later".

I whispered into her ear and ever so softly pressed a kiss against her earlobe as I inhaled her intoxicating scent. I felt her shiver slightly before she pulled herself away from me and glared at me before hustling out of the diner. I chuckled to myself as I thought about her reaction to my lips on her earlobe. It seems that's one of her weak spots,  I thought to myself. I then took her money off the table and left money and a huge tip for May, I then got up to vacate the diner so that I could head back to the hotel to make a very important phone call. On my walk back to the hotel,  I remembered that she said that she was not a lesbian but it dawned on me that I could careless if she isn't because I want her and even though I've never been one to go after a straight woman, she is going to be so worth all of this trouble and in the end I would so enjoy claiming her as mines.

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