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A lonely night, the storm brewing, young kids running about for Halloween craving candy. A man elderly but important, silently walked down the street making it to a small cottage, filed with flowers all over. Ever so silent the man came in, breaking the wards and protection. Stunning the young man on the stairs before he even stepped in side the cottage, crying could be heard, the man first found the two children crying on the first floor in the upstairs room of their nursery. The man made his way to the end of the hall where a mother, with a sweet voice, and vibrant red hair, trying to calm her children down, but the man could tell she was crying also. 

Barging into the room, the mother looked up, confused they knew who he was. "What are you-" she tried to say unable to finish as a curse of bright green,  was sent to the mother hitting its target. 

"I'm sorry lily," a tired old voice filed the room as he saw the life leave her green eyes, the man then looked over to the two children. One had red hair and hazel eyes, the other had raven hair and bright green eyes, filed with magic. The man found who he was looking for, "you are the one, now we wait."

Not long after, someone new showed up dressed in all black, seeing the bodies but no one else he made his way to the nursery. Bright red eyes stared into bright green eyes, power, he could feel it just like the last. He saw the mother on the ground, "my dear cousin, i'm to late. I am always to late." a silky voice spoke of pain and sadness. 

"I am sorry young one, but what they heard was false I would never heart one of my own kin" He said lifting up the green eyed baby who calmed down in his arms. 

From behind the door under many concealment's, came the first man who was waiting for this moment.  "Good evening Tom, It's so glad you showed up tonight."

"Old fool, I am not here for a fight," the man now holding the child said "I will make you pay for what you did to me and my family."

"Oh Tom after tonight you will not have one left" with this the old man raised his wand just as the other man did the same. The small boy fell back into his crib, his sister crying next to him. A duel in the small room came about between the two men. The young man trying to protect his niece and nephew, while the older men didn't care threw out many curses all around. The same bright green lightning,  one he shot at the mother came straight towards the baby boy who was watching the fight through the bars of his crib. No one could prepare what would have happened because it shouldn't have been possible. 

The curse hit the small boy on the forehead, the young man came running to the boy, who was suppose to have been hit in the first place. The room started to glow green, the curse was sent back to the caster, seeing this the old man jumped out of the way, spewing about not possible and other things.  The rebound curse his the only one still standing in its way. A force was sent out knocking those in the room to the side send the rebound curse to the closest person their. With the shire pressure of the force the room caved in. Pieces from the roof fell and fell above the hazel eyes girl, who was knocked out by the magic in the room. The old man stared in shock there was so much power in the raven hair boy. 

In agony he screamed, the young man crumbed into dust. The old man didn't take that into consideration. He then made his way over to the crib of the green eye baby. "You are already to powerful, it would be hard to control you. Now your sister will work though she would need a lot of work to be as powerful but yes it could work." The man lifted his wand and pointed at the boy planing to bind his magic so he could not use any of it and get in his way "sleep child  it will feel different but you will have a family in the muggle world."

The old man picked up the now sleeping child and apparated to a small neighborhood in the muggle world. He continued up the street till he made it to the right one, silently placing the bundle of blankets with the baby boy, who now had a lighting bolt scar on his forehead.

"James!" someone shouted waking up the young man on the stairs, "oh thank Merlin your alive!" 

"What happened?" James asked looking at his best friend who had a saddening look. In a brief second the memory of an intruder "oh no Lily!" the two ran up to the a wrecked room. 

"James, I'm sorry I was to late" an old man with a long white beard and half moon glasses said holing the young girl "Lily didn't make it and your son Harry didn't either but Evangeline did, she killed Voldemort."

James couldn't hold in the tears he walked over to the old man taking his young daughter. She had a diagonal scar across her left side of her forehead. James looked over to his friend, he fell to the floor holding a small blanket that was once Harry's, he never truly saw his friend cry before. "Sirius?" James said, knowing he must hurt the bond of a Godfather to a Godchild is one that is almost as worse as a disownment.    

"The room is not safe lets get out before it falls" the old man said in a soft calm voice. With some force the men all left with the young girl in her fathers arms. 

"So what are you saying my daughter is the one the prophecy speaks of?" James asked bewildered to what the old man said. 

"Yes James, I am truly sorry for your loss but your daughter is the Girl-Who-Lived, she defeated Voldemort for now but as soon as we can she needs to get training"

"Very well I will not fail a second child." James stated "she will get everything she needs."

"Indeed now please take care of yourself I know losing a wife and a son is hard but your daughter is now your priority."

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