Preference #58- song that describes your relationship (part 1)

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Riker: "I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing" — Aerosmith

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating

And I’m wondering what you’re dreaming,

Wondering if it’s me you’re seeing

Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we’re together

And I just wanna stay with you

In this moment forever, forever and ever

Some of Riker’s favorites moments that he got to spend with you were the times you just spent lying in bed together at the end of the day. With him being away so much on tour with the band he’d learned to cherish the little things. The steady sound of your heart beating while you slept. The rhythmic up-and-down movements your chest made as you breathed in and out. The way your eyelids would suddenly start to flutter, letting him know you were dreaming. He could lie awake for hours while you slept soundly next to him, admiring all the little things he loved most about you. Wishing that he could freeze the moment and stay by your side forever.

Rocky: "Long Long Way to Go" — Def Leppard

You held my hand and then you slipped away

And I may never see your face again

So tell me how do to fill the emptiness inside

Without love, what is life?

And anyone who knew us both can see

We always were the better part of me 

I never wanted to be this free 

All this pain, does it go away? 


To you, I wish you everything

And all the best that life can bring

I only hope you think of me sometimes, oh

And even though I feel the pain

I know that I will love again

The time will come, oh, and I’ll move on

Your relationship with Rocky had been spontaneous. Passionate. Almost dangerously so. The two of you had met while R5 was spending three months at a studio in London recording their new album. You were an intern working for the company who owned the studio. Although the two of you knew it would surely come to an end when the band returned to the states, it didn’t stop you from falling head over heels for each other. It just worked; the two of you fit together like pieces of a puzzle. Rocky had often said that you were the very best part of him. At the end of the summer he returned to the United States, memories of you and your time together still running through his mind. The thoughts continued to plague him for months, replaying on a seemingly endless loop. He knew that he would move on, that he would find love again one day. But he had a long way to go.

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Question: How old are you?

Answer: 14

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