#12 Preference How you hug

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Riker: He is always gentle, like you’re fragile. He would reach out for you and pull you into a tight embrace. His face would he pressed up against your hair, smelling the sweet scent of you. Then pressing a few kisses on the top of your head.

Rocky: His strong arms will pick you up at your thighs, and lift you up so your legs are wrapped around his waist. He would smile down at you, and sometimes kiss the side of your cheek, then telling you how much you mean to him. Always making you blush like crazy.

Ross: His arms would be on the lower part of your back, while yours are locked together around his neck. He would bend down and nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck. Every once and awhile pressing a small kiss to your neck.

Ryland: His hugs would make you feel secure, like he’s afraid to lose you. He would pull you into a long bear hug, whispering sweet things into your ear, always putting a bright smile on your face. Then placing a sweet kiss to your temple, sealing the hug.

Ratliff: He would pick you up, with his hands around your waist. When he picks you up he would spin you around like you’re a princess. Because you’re his princess. Your arms would be wrapped around his neck. He would peck your lips quickly, before setting you back on your feet.

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