Preference #47- you're older than him

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Riker: "Happy Birthday (Y/N)!" everyone sitting around the table chorused. The Lynch family had taken you out for a birthday dinner at your favorite restaurant tonight. The waitress brought a mini-sized cake to the table with a pink "22" candle on top. "Make a wish!" Rydel urged, tugging excitedly on your arm. You closed your eyes and paused before blowing out the candle. "So (y/n), how does it feel to be older than your boyfriend?" Rocky asked amusedly. You rolled your eyes. "Rocky his birthday is in six months, it's not that big of a deal!" Riker nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I mean Maia is 19 but I don't see anyone talking about her and Ross." Rocky shrugged. "We messed with him about it when they first started dating, but it doesn't bother them so it's not funny anymore. It apparently still bothers (y/n) so I'm going to keep doing it." He grinned smugly. A few minutes later Riker leaned over and whispered in your ear. "Does it really bother you?" he asked quietly. You turned to face him and shook your head. "Of course not. Rocky's just freaking annoying." "I heard that!" Rocky piped up from across the table.

Rocky: "Rocky the next fan question is for you. Is it true that you have begun dating your childhood friend (Y/N)?" The interviewer eagerly leaned forward, waiting for his answer. He grinned bashfully. "Yeah, I have." There was a chorus of 'awwwhs' from the audience. You were standing just offstage with Stormie; she nudged your arm playfully. "Well tell us about her! Does she live here in Los Angeles?" the interviewer asked. Rocky nodded. "She does. She moved here three years ago to attend UCLA." She paused. "Three years ago?? How old is this girl??" She raised an eyebrow curiously. Rocky blushed and looked away. "She's 21." He said quietly. The audience 'ooooh-ed' in unison. "Wow, an older lady!" the interviewer said. "Yep, my boy Rocky!" Riker bellowed, slapping him on the back. Rocky's blush deepened. "Ok, ok, next question please!" he pleaded.

Ross: You walked slowly into the Lynch's living room and sat down on the couch next to Ross. You had just been on Tumblr & noticed a lot of negative comments about the age difference between you two. You had never really thought much about it. You were 19 and he was 17, what was the big deal? "Ross has it ever bothered you that I'm older than you are?" you asked quietly. He shook his head, not looking up from his laptop. He glanced up to look at you after a few moments of silence. "Why, does it bother you?" he asked. You shook your head. " least it didn't until now." He looked confused. "What do you mean?" he questioned. You sighed. "It's just...a lot of fans have been making comments about me being older than you are and I just don't want people to look at me like some weirdo-creeper-lady dating a teenager...I'm about to be 20 in a few months!" He laughed. "Babe there are so many Hollywood couples with 50 year old housewives dating 20 year old guys...I don't think anyone's going to look at us weird because you're two years older than me." You smiled at him. "Two and a half." You corrected. He rolled his eyes and leaned over to quickly peck your lips.

Ryland: You sat cross-legged on the tourbus couch, scrolling through your Twitter mentions. You were Rydel's best friend and recently you & Ryland had begun dating, despite you being three years older than him. You hadn't been on Twitter since pictures were leaked of you and Ryland kissing a few days ago. Most comments you were seeing so far were very positive, talking about how cute the two of you were together. You frowned when you came across a few fans commenting on your age difference. 'Dating? More like babysitting! #cougaralert' 'Is Rydel not weirded out by her best friend dating her baby brother? 0.o' Your frowned deepened. You quickly shut your laptop when you heard somebody approaching. "Hey (y/n)!" Stormie greeted you, sitting down next to you on the couch. She immediately noticed your expression. "What's wrong?" she asked, concern evident on her features. You sighed and shook your head. "It's nothing...just some fans making a big deal out of me being older than Ryland. You don't think it's weird, do you?" You looked up at her. She scoffed. "Of course not honey! I wouldn't have let you two date otherwise. Age is just a number (y/n), don't let them bother you." You smiled gratefully at her. "Thanks Stormie." You said quietly. She patted your knee. "Anytime dear."

Couldn't think of one for Ratliff and don't forget to comment and vote and don't forget to check out my other books

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