Chapter 11- Karma

Start from the beginning

"If you say so April".

"Hey mom, could you please pass me the can of soda "? I asked turning to face my mom who was leaning against the tree while eating a slice of the apple pie mum baked just for today.

Mum passed me the can, I opened it and took a sip from the can.
I looked down at my phone just to distract myself, all the while failing miserably at it but I felt a pair of eyes watching me, only to look up to find Jackson glaring at me.
His eyes had a bit of surprise and mainly anger.

I felt super uncomfortable under his stare and just so as to not look stupid, I glared back at him.

We were staring at each other or more like glaring before the woman who's supposedly Jackson's mother took his attention away from me in which I was entirely grateful for that, though she didn't know that.

I turned my attention back to my mom's just in case, to escape another awkward staring contest with Jackson.

Jackson's pov

Mom was busy going on and on about this mysterious person or woman who cut in line when she wanted to pay for her groceries.

"They're just groceries and besides it not like you didn't buy what you wanted anyway." I interrupted.
Sigh. Women or better yet moms. They take the smallest things things personally.

Of course I ignored my moms ranting and looked around, my eyes occasionally stopping to on a few people here and there, till my eyes landed on someone very peculiar
Oh, It was the bitch from school. I think her name was A...venny something or was it her friend.
Whatever she called herself she was still annoying as hell to me.

She also locked eyes with me, her eyes widened immediately our eyes met.
She was surprised to see me, it was clearly stamped on her face.

A few seconds later my surprise was immediately replaced with anger. I still hated her for the shame she caused me and till now, I'm still thinking of a revenge plan.

"Jack who is that?" I heard mom ask me. Apparently her rant fest was finally over, over enough t0 notice I had gone quiet all of a sudden "Do you know her?"

Sigh. "No mom I don't know her."
I said simply.

"Then why were you two staring at each other?" Mom asked.
gosh! Couldn't she just mind her own business?
"Do you like her?" Mom asked loudly enough to grab my whole family's attention.

"Mary, leave the poor boy alone and so what if he likes someone." Dad interjected. I know dad thought he was helping but he seriously wasn't.

"What! Gross no way!" I half yelled at my parents. I rather die than ever conjuring up the thought that I like her.

"Aww! I think its cute that he likes someone, at least he's showing interest that he wants to be in a serious relationship not just flings." My older sister added.

"What the hell is wrong you people? I don't like anyone okay." I finished off.

"First comes denial." I heard my older sister Brittney mumble, she tried not to make it loud but I still heard what she had said.

"Oh shut up, will you idiot."

"Jack! Don't speak to your sister like that, now say your sorry." Mom said.

Sigh. "OK fine, I'm sorry." I said but not before adding an eye roll.

Brittney smirked triumphantly before grabbing her phone.

"I'm sorry you look like that" I added, just to piss her off.

"Mom! Dad! Tell him to shut up."
Brittney said.
I insulted her and the worst she could do is yell mom and dad?
Though Brittney's 18 she acts like a seven year old sometimes.

"Both of you shut up! Your giving me a headache." Dad said using his hands to cover his ears.
It was funny seeing dad like this.

After that we just laughed and carried on chatting, laughing and me throwing a few playful insults at Brittney here and there till around 10:45am, when mom decided we'd head home.

April's pov-

Jacksons family left around 10:46 and we left like 8 minutes afterwards.

Throughout the while ride back home, I didn't even want to even think about Jackson.
I just wanted to forget and look forward to my Saturday and Sunday I would binge watch Disney movies till I sleep off and survive that dreadful Monday.

Sighing I took my moms phone from my pocket to check for any new posts her on Instagram to keep myself busy till we reach home, then my weekend could finally begin.

That was hard. I know I promised it sooner but This chapter literally took a month to be completed, my mind just went blank. And I know this story is a sort of flashback but I just wanted to show you all what some characters are or some characters perspective, anyways,
See ya.

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