As Jeongin rambled on, he didnt notice Chan get up from the chair and walk over to the bed. He didnt notice Chan crawl onto the bed and hover over him.

"Jeongin" Chan said, his voice deep and low. It was only then when Jeongin noticed Chan was basically on top of him.

He opened his eyes slowly being met with the person he once loved. The person he still loves.

It was quiet, too quiet. Only a soft buzzing in the background. The two just stared into each others eyes, neither of them saying a word.

Jeongin's eyes flicked downward towards Chan's lips which he oh so badly wanted to kiss.

Chan noticed, a smirk making it's way to his face. Jeongin looked back up into Chan's eyes, his own eyes wide and glassy.

His heart beat quickened and he felt something swirl in his stomach. As he examined Chan's face, he only saw lust in his eyes.

please say sike.


But before Jeongin could get the words out, Chan had leaned down and pressed his lips against his.

Jeongin layed shocked but allowed himself to close his eyes and kiss back.

Chan's hand ran down Jeongin's thigh and hooked under his knee, lifting his leg up to which Jeongin instinctively wrapped his legs around Chan's waist.

The kiss deepened as Chan's tongue explored the inside of Jeongin's mouth. He tasted of strawberries.

He began to grind down on the younger making him whine into his mouth.

Chan detached their lips and began kissing down his jaw and onto his neck.

He settles on a spot he knew would be hard to hide and began sucking and licking making Jeongin let out small whines.


Jeongin was once again interrupted when Chan roughly grinded his crotch down onto his making him let out a strangled moan.

"Please" Jeongin whispered, his small hands resting on Chan's bicep.

"Tell me what you want" Chan whispered looking into Jeongin's eyes.

"Just listen to me for a bit" Jeongin whispered, his eyes closing shut as Chan grinded against him slowly.

"Tell me why, Chan. That's all I want to know" Jeongin said taking in short breaths of air as Chan continued to slowly grind on him.

"It was a mistake" Chan said stopping for a moment. He began to attack Jeongin's neck once again.

"Mmhm c-cheating is a choice n-not a mis...a mistake" Jeongin stuttered, the pleasure he was receiving making his heart pound.

Chan stopped completely making Jeongin whine involuntarily.

"You were busy with school, I was busy with school. Whenever I wanted to hang out, you couldnt because you had work to do. when you wanted to hang out, I couldnt 'cause I had work to do" Chan started staring at Jeongin's lips.

"I was feeling lonely and I needed you badly. Shalisa came over to see Mel and-"

"I'm sorry but who in the hell dates someone name saliva?" Jeongin asked.


"Literally no one cares"

"Anyways...she came over to see Mel but she wasnt here so she decided to hang out until Mel came back. It was cool at first but then...all the built up feelings and lust had just overcame me." Chan took a breath and closed his eyes.

Baby Boy (Jeongchan)Where stories live. Discover now