Chapter 2: Discovery

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Chapter 2: Discovery

  Did I mention I was lost?

  It was reaching dusk, meaning the cemetery would be closed in about an hour or so. Realizing that continuing down the same road wasn't going to help, I decided to go back where I came from.

  Figuring I should save my energy, I walked towards the direction I assumed the old grave keeper's cabin was. Looking through the barely sunlit sky, I saw a figure running at me. My breath caught.

  I forced my legs to go against my brain, which for whatever reason was telling me to run toward the scary looking man booking it straight at me. Running in the opposite direction as fast as I could, I quick looked behind me to see how much he was gaining on me.

  Bad move.

  As soon as i turned my head, I saw, 1. Yes, he was still following me, about 20 feet away. 2. My body hit another object propelling me backwards. My back hit something hard, probably a grave stone, then I slid down the small hill back to the road.

  Groaning, I looked up to see two figures battling it out right in front of me. Bemused, I laid there and just watched it play out.

  The figure that was running at me was slightly taller than the other figure, about 2 inches, and was definitely winning. He threw the other man (I assume) at least 50 yards until it hit a tree, landing in a heap on the grass. The figure that was running after me started to walk toward the man he flung, and on his way there he stepped directly into the highest amount of light in my view.

  It was him.

  The guy who called me "tubby".

  He prowled over to the man still slumped in front of the tree like a predator catching his prey. That's when I found my voice. "Hey! What are you doing?! STOP!" I yelled as he continued his hunting steps toward the man.

  He didn't turn around to look at me as he grabbed the man by the throat, said something incomprehensible, then ripped his head off.

  I stared wide eyed, unable to move. The strange boy from earlier, now covered in dark red blood, started to walk towards me as if he hadn't just killed a man.

  He reached out his bloodied hand to help me up, but I simply gawked at him. What the hell just happened?

  "Listen," he sighed. "I know you don't understand what happened just now, but that man was here to kill you."

  My mouth went dry. "W-w-what?" I stuttered.

  He smirked, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. "So, you didn't get the message when he threw you at that grave stone? Dense much?" he asked.

  I was at a loss for words, again. I got up helplessly, my mouth opening and closing as I tried to find the right words. I just watched a man die, no, get murdered by the guy standing less than a foot away from me right now.

  "But, why would he try to kill me?" I asked, my voice slightly shaking.

  "That, my dear, will all be explained once I get you home." he told me.

  "What?! You're not going anywhere near my house. I'll find my own way out of here, you psycho!" I yelled.

  He huffed. "Listen, I'm not going to hurt you, I'm trying to protect you.":

  "Oh yeah, says the guy who just murdered someone right in front of me." I snapped, rolling my eyes.

  "I didn't technically murder him, he was already dead." he said casually, I blanched.

  "W-what? No, h-he was right there! I saw him! You're crazy!" I forced out, on the verge of tears.

  "He was a demon, Skye." He said my name... How did he know my name?!

  "Okay, say I believe you. Why me? What did I do?"

  "It's not what you did, it's who you are," he explained. "When you reach your eighteenth birthday, which happens to be next month, you will become a very big problem for them."

  "And you? What am I to you?" I asked, my voice hoarse.

  "Well you have been a problem for me since before you were even born."

  I stared darkly at him, becoming very agitated with his rude attitude towards me when he didn't even know me. "Who are you?"

"Well, my name is Cameron," he answered smoothly. "And I am your Guardian Angel."

Why Me? *Completed*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz