"Well when they showed all the different generations and all the babies it was making me imagine if we have a baby all the incredible things we will show him or her."

"Well I hope we have a compete family one day Haz, I don't hope we have a family."

"What? You don't want a family! You told me you did yesterday!"

"You didn't let me finish" she said calmly

"I know we will have a family." She said with a smile

"Don't ever scare me like that again." I said with a serious look and Delilah just giggled. We drove home and brushed our teeth got changed into pj's and snuggled up in our bed with our feet tangled together until we were sound asleep.


2 weeks later

Harry's POV

I woke up to turn and look over at my beautiful wife to hug her and kiss her, but all I felt was the soft sheets and I immediately opened my eyes wanting to now where my Delilah was. Did she get kidnapped? Did she leave me? No she couldn't have she loves me. All these thoughts were going through my head until I heard a noise from the bathroom which took me out of thought and so I swung my lets over the bed and onto the ground. I walked over to see Delilah in the bathroom gagging into the toilet. I immediately walk over -more like run- to her and pull her hair back.

"Luv are you alright?" I asked concerned

"Yea I'm fine just feel a little sick". Was all she said, just as she was about to brush her teeth I bent her down and kissed her.

"Ewwww Harry! I just threw up and now you are kissing me?!" she said discusted. As I chucked. " Well I love you and I don't care if I taste your throw up I wanted to kiss you." I said in defense. "You could have waited when I was done brushing my teeth" she said. We walked over to the living room and sat down on the couch as I cooked Delilah breakfast. I brought the tray full of food and put it on the coffee table as Delilah then turned her eyes off the TV and on the food.

"Thank you" she mumbled while eating her pancakes. As soon as she put the fork down she looked like she was gonna gag I checked her head and she had no fever so she can't be sick. She ran to the bathroom and yet yet agin gagged the 3rd time today { she also gagged when Harry was making food}. I held her hair back, once she was done I have her a concerned look and said.

"I'm taking you to the hospital"

"What? Why?" she asked wondering

"Cause this is the third time you've thrown up and you don't have a fever or anything"

"Fine" she said in a annoyed voice


After about 20 minutes we got to the hospital. We walked hand in hand to the hospital asking a lady middle aged if we they could see why Delilah was acting like this. They showed us to the room and told us to wait for a little while. After about 2 minutes the nurse came in to ask us questions.

"How many days have you been throwing up for?" the nurse asked and Delilah replied with saying "just today"

"How many times?"

"3" I said to the nurse taking notes on her clipboard.

"Okay the doctor will be here shortly" the nurse said. About 30 seconds later the doctor walked in. " Hi Delilah, Harry how are you? My name is Dr.Griffin, and I heard you have been throwing up today quite a lot?" Dr.Griffin referred to Delilah "Correct" Delilah said. "I have a couple more questions to ask" Dr.Griffin said

"Have you guys been sexually active lately?" Delilah blushed at the question so I answered "Yes"

"When was your last period?"

"Umm I think about 6 weeks ago, I'm late" Delilah said

"Well we are gonna take some blood and come up with results" the doctor said leaving. Delilah and I were waiting for the results now, just as the doctor walked in. "Well Mr and Mrs Styles it looks like you guys are going to have another Styles!" We both shared him a confused look as he said "Delilah's pregnant!" and my mouth almost fell off my jaw, I've been dreaming about having a kid for the longest time.

"Really!?!?" I blurted out "yea!" Dr.Griffin said "Would you guys like to schedule your next appointment?" "Yes of course" Delilah said excitedly. As we were then excused to leave and we headed home.



Shocker huh? Delilah's PREGGERS!! I'm trying and updating the best I can guys okay I'm sorry. I just moved and we haven't gotten internet yet and the reception here is pretty bad so I'm trying my best just give it time I promise once I get internet I'll update waaaaay more often (; 💙💜💚 ~Boo-Boo

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