Chapter 18: Comeback

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More than a year after giving birth still didn't seem enough to leave Yuuto's side

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

More than a year after giving birth still didn't seem enough to leave Yuuto's side. He had grown too much, teaching me how to be patient and control my anger. It didn't always work and we both ended up crying, but at least we got through the torturous first year.

How do I feel? I still don't know, I don't know if the tears that well up in my eyes everytime I see him smiling or hear him giggling is me still being hormonal or just love.

Love, love is a strong word and a more strong emotion. I had finally accepted that I could be loved from someone other than my mother. I admit I was dumb for not believing it at first, although I feel blessed to have learned that from Momo, the person who stuck by me even at the sleepless nights. The nights Yuuto wouldn't sleep and would cry non-stop. The nights where I hated myself, the nights where I would snap at her. Momo was there for me, always.

"What would I do without the two of you?" I whispered, getting up from the bed.

It was around four thirty in the morning and I had returned back to working all day, every day. It was tiring and really hurt leaving Yuuto alone for so many hours, but Momo was always there to save the day. She would work from home, go grocery shopping and even clean. It was a shocker seeing her clean around the house, those were the types of chores she hated with passion.

I was beyond lucky to have someone to care for me as much as Momo did and even if at the end of the day we were both tired, we always talked, messed around, and played video games with each other. Although, Yuuto was still a baby, a very whiny one, he never bothered us when we cuddled on the sofa, falling asleep in each others arms while a random movie was on.

Today was the day of the comeback stage pre-recording, which meant I had to be there really early and be away from home for most of the day.

With a silent groan I washed up and got dressed, taking my time to admire the sleeping Momo and Yuuto on our bed. We never let him sleep with us, but yesterday was his birthday and Momo insisted on letting him cuddle with her. The baby's small body, gently laying next to Momo's big one was a sight I wouldn't ever want to forget. The way Yuuto's tiny hand would wrap around Momo's index finger while they were sleeping next to each other, with both of their chests moving up and down in sync melted my heart.

It had come to a point were I had to pull Momo away from him. She loved the baby with her whole being and it was funny how alike they were. I sometimes felt as if I took care of two babies, with Momo being the younger and most annoying of the two.

Regardless, I would risk everything for them.

"Are you leaving already?" Momo groggily asked, turning her head at my direction.

"I am" I whispered and cooed at the girl's big smile when realizing Yuuto was still beside her "Sleep, it's too early"

"Can you stay here for a little longer?" she pouted "I miss you already"

"I can't, babe" I smiled and crouched next to her side of the bed, caressing Yuuto's back "I promise after the promotions I'll give all my time to you"

"I love you. Don't forget to eat" Momo replied and pulled me closer by my hand until our faces were a few inches apart "I'm on babysiting duty today, by the way" she chuckled against my lips before kissing me.

"Only you?" I asked. Momo and I, along with the rest of the girls, had made a deal to babysit each other's children.

"Sana is coming later" the girl replied, fixing her bangs.

"Don't burn the house down, yeah? You're both way too clumsy" I whispered and booped her nose.

"We're very responsible" Momo scoffed "Chae, Wendy and Jeong are dropping the kids at ten today" she informed.

"Does Nayeon finally trust you with Minjin?" I chuckled and kissed her one last time "Please be careful with her, she's still very small"

"I know what I'm doing, missy!" Momo groaned and pushed me away, bringing Yuuto closer to her "Go, you'll be late"

"I'll go, I'll go" I mumbled against Yuuto's cheek before pecking it and standing up "I'll be back by eleven, okay?"

"Mhm" she hummed and closed her eyes while shooting a piece sign and slowly drifting back to sleep.

"Love you" I whispered one last time, closing the door behind me and hurrying outside.

"Heyooo mother of two" Seulgi said when I entered the company car, offering me some hot tea.

"Momo isn't a--Never mind" I said.

"How are you feeling today?" Irene asked, taking a bite off her chicken sandwich.

"Is that chicken I see?" Seulgi laughed and started the engine.

"Jihyo made it" Irene replied "I'm rethinking my life decisions"

"Good" Seulgi smiled "How do you like the tea, Dahyun-ssi. I know you don't really like it but I thought you should stop with the coffee, you drink too much"

"It's fine, Seul" I reassured "Thank you, that's really sweet of you"

"I know right, she sooo sweet~" Juhyun teased.

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