Chapter 10: Code Titanic

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Irene, Seulgi, Wendy, Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sooyoung, Sana, Jihyo, Mina, Yeri, Chaeyoung, Tzuyu and I were all gathered in Sana and Tzuyu's small apartment in order to celebrate from Chaeyoungs recovery and surgery.

"We should play Never Have I Ever" Yeri suggested as we sturggled fitting into the girls' small apartment.

"Is everyone playing?" Jihyo asked and looked at Momo and I. After the night in Chaeyoung's house we've been kind of awkward.

"Sure" Momo shrugged and took a seat next to Seulgi while I took one next to Sana.

"Alright, who's starting?" Sooyoung said and smirked, playing with the glass in her hands.

"I'll go" Chaeyoung laughed "Never have I ever been in handcuffs?"

The girls giggled, looking at each other for answers.

"Come on, Chae!" Nayeon whined and drank a shot, followed by Irene and Tzuyu.

"Really Tzu?" Jihyo laughed while the tallest pointed over at Sana, who winked.

"I don't even want to know about it" Irene faceplamed "And don't you look at me like that, Seulgi. I've been arrested way too many times" she stated.

"Never have I ever ruined someone's vocation" Wendy continues, her eyebrows furrowed as Momo, Jeongyeon and Yeri raise their glasses, downing the shots.

"That's what I thought" Jihyo scoffed and smacked Jeongyeon.

"We drove all the way to Guri one time, when Wendy and Jihyo visited her family" Yeri started but stopped mid-sentence and started laughing loudly.

"Jeongyeon, I guess, forgot how to drive and we got lost. So we had to ask someone to show us the way, you know?" Momo continued "Yeri and I got off the car and walked to a park nearby--"

"Please stop" Seungwan whined and hid her face.

"So we walked to that park and looked for someone to help us" Momo smirked "As we were trying to find someone, we heard those deafening moans coming from behind some huge trees. Turns out that the park was really really close to Jihyo's family house..the rest I'll leave to your imagination" she finished, laughs and squeals invaded the room while Jihyo stood up to playfully slap all three girls.

"It was a traumatic experience" Jeonyeon spoke.

"Okay NEXT!" Jihyo shouted.

"Never have I ever tried cutting my own hair" Sooyoung said, both Nayeon and I downing our shots.

"In the fifth grade" the older stated "And it was really bad. Dahyun cried for four day about it"

"Never have I ever sent someone to the hospital" Mina started a new round, refilling eveyone's glasses.

Irene, Jihyo, Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung drank the shots and the room fell silent for a while. No one could ever forget about Irene and Wendy's past or the legendery fight outside of the hospital.

"Never have I ever fallen in love at first sight" Sana asked, Jeongyeon, Momo, Nayeon, Chaeyoung, Mina, Seulgi and I drinking the shots.

"That's cheesy" Irene teased but no one commented as we carried on with the game.

"Never have I ever cried because of a song in public" Jeonyeon spoke and everyone drank, leaving her alone and confused "For real? Damn y'all sensitive" she teasingly flexed her muscles.

"Never have I ever snooped through a friend's bathroom or bedroom without them knowing" Jihyo questioned the only peopke drinking being Mina.

"So fearless" Seulgi teased "Who's room, M I N A?" the girl said loud enough for Chaeyoung to understand.

"One day before highschool started, Chae called and said she was anxious and when I went over to her house she was asleep. I later got into her room while she was sleeping and laid beside her" Mina admitted "I wanted cuddles"

"How is she so innocent?" Sana groaned "I thought she was gonna say she murdered someone" she chuckled.

"Never have I ever had a crush on my bestfriend" Seulgi asked and Nayeon along with Sana drank a shot, denying telling the story behind it.

After a lot more rounds and drinking, it was my turn to ask. Most of the people in the room excluding Mina, Wendy and Sooyoung, were drunk. 

"Never have I ever used someone to make another jealous" I hiccuped, looking at Momo while the rest glared at me.

"What are you doing?" Tzuyu whispered "This is for Momo isn't it?"

"Come on guys, we don't lie in this game" I urged.

Everyone froze, the only one who moved was Momo, who downed the shot and almost dropped the glass she was holding. Her hands were shaking.

"I fucking knew it!" I shouted and knocked the bottle of alcohol on the floor while Jihyo and Nayeon rushed to calm me down.

"You asked this on purpose?" Momo questioned.

"Of course I did. Seokjin was right!" I got up, stumbling to the door "You used me to make him jealous, didn't you? Everything you said about me being perfect was just a lie back then. The didn't mean anything to you"

"Wait, where are you going?" Wendy asked as I, once again, bolted out of the house.


Running while drunk on the streets is definetely something no one ever wants to experience but, there I was running to the closest bar to Sana's house, the one my father used to take Seokjin and I to see his friends, mister Jung and mister Jeon, when we were younger.

"Dahyun, is that you?" Hoseok, mister Jung's son, asked when he saw me stumbling my way near the counter "Kook we got a problem!" the blond called out to mister Jeon's son, Jungkook.

"What is it?" the dark haired boy asked, running out of the kitchen in an pink and blue apron.

They both looked at me and made me sit down, their tall figures hovering above me as the asked me questions I couldn't really hear.

"Code Titanitc" Hoseok said "I repeat, code Titanic!" he sighed and picked up the phone while Jungkook handed me a cup of rich, strong, black coffee.

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