Chapter 30: Sweet Dreams

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"Ah fuck!" a high pitched scream sounded as I opened my eyes again. The figure hovering above Momo had stumbled back, their hands covering their right shoulder as they cried out in pain.

Momo blinked back tears but kept holding my face and looking at me, someone had almost shot her and she was afraid that if she moved she would die.

"B-Babe" I stuttered, it was suddenly so cold in the venue. 

Another figure was hovering above Momo but didn't bother putting their gun to her head, they just sat there looking at both of us.

"Will you ever fucking move, Nemo?" a very familiar and loud voice sounded as girl ran from the other side of the stage near us and in front of the second figure, throwing a punch.

Only one girl could get Momo's name wrong, only that girl would have the guts to fight all of those masked guys and help us. Only her could do it, only R--

"Ryujin?" Momo mumbled, still not daring to turn her head back.

"What did you expect Mono? Let your pale girl die?" she laughed, kicking the person in the face and trying to steal their weapon.

"Dahyun is--" Momo couldn't finish her sentence as the first figure, that almost killed her, moved her hands over her mouth and pushed her to the ground. The figure wasn't wearing a mask anymore and had a bullet in the right shoulder.

I swear I could recognize this person from afar. I was pretty sure I knew who they were. Their name was on the tip of my tongue. It didn't help that they had changed their hair colour since the last time I saw them.

"Yuna" I breathed out in hopes of getting any of the two to hear me. Momo was busy trying to get the girl off of her while Ryujin was still fighting with that masked guy.

I tried pushing myself off the stage only to fall back down. The venue was almost empty and I prayed that someone would come to help us anytime soon.

"Get the hell away from me, Yuna!" Momo squealed, pushing the knife Yuna had brought to her face away.

Everything was getting darker, my head spun and my body shivered. I couldn't just sit here doing nothing to save her, she always did so much for me. The blood I had lost was too much, yet I didn't mind dying if it were for Momo to be safe. No one has ever done so much for me, no one has ever loved me and cared for me that much.

"Where are we going?" I whispered as I felt hands picking my body up. I cried out in pain and almost passed out as they carried me. I couldn't possibly keep my eyes open for any longer.

Closing them, I let myself relax in the person's hold. It all felt familiar, the way they held me and patted my head. Their breathing and scent.

How could Momo's breathing be so calm? Did she change her perfume? My head was hurting but I tried my best focusing on the person's scent. Momo always used her signature perfume that smelt what I thought heaven would. The scent of her perfume gave me comfort. Momo's perfume smelt like home, Momo was home.

However, the scent of the person carrying me was not Momo's. It was familiar, yet it didn't feel like home.

"W-Who are you?" I chocked out. I was so tired, so cold.

The person's hold on me got tighter, not caring that I was bleeding out of life as they walked faster to where they were supposed to take me.

And suddenly, it all made sense.


"Where is she?" I said closing the door with a loud thump, quickly moving into the house.

It was a hot summer day after school, my classmates were gossiping and talking about my mother and her group. They were Korea's finest and everyone wanted to be like them or with them.

But today the whole school was in shock and everyone ran to me, in order to comfirm the rumors that have been going around, forgetting about their looks or catchy songs. They all wanted to know about the incident.

"WHERE IS SHE, DAD?" I shouted running past my father and attempting to climb the stares to get to the second floor, only to be stopped by Seokjin.

"Not now, Dahyunie" he sighed and grabbed my arm gently.

"LEAVE ME ALONE" I screamed, trying to break from his grip "I WANT TO SEE HER!" I was desperate. This couldn't be happening, not to her.

"Kim Dahyun!" my father scolded as I broke from Jin's hold and run upstairs, kicking open the bedroom door.

I felt as if my heart exploded inside my chest. As if my mind was playing tricks. As if I was suffocating.

I rushed next the bed, falling on my knees while examining my mother's lifeless figure sprawled on it. Her face was pale and her body was cold. Her purple lips were sliglty open and her eyes rolled back. The plain white dress she was wearing was covered in dark red blood and her once rosy cheeks were stained with tears and leftover mascara.

"M-Mom?" my voice broke, tears effortlessly run down my face. This wasn't happening.

"So they were right.." I spoked "They all knew and I didn't" I couldn't help but want to hold her body close, hug her tight and never let her go. "Why didn't you talk to me, Mom" I whined "We share everything, remember?" my sniffles filled the dead silent atmoshpere of the room, the smell of blood invading my nose. I moved closer, taking her hand in mine.

She was my bestfriend, the only person in the world I knew I could count on anytime. She was the only person that made me feel loved and she was gone.

"I love you, I always will" she didn't reply, she was gone forever. My mother was gone forever and there was nothing I could do.

Sligthly moving her arm up I noticed her multiple cuts and scratches. My voice hitched as I saw the words "No one cares" engraved on her arm.

"I DO!" I shouted, burying my face in my mother's chest "I DO CARE" I screamed my lungs out and cried louder and harder.

"Please come back" I sniffled, hugging my mother's lifeless body tighter.

The tears didn't stop falling, my heart couldn't take it any longer. Without realizing, I had fallen asleep next to her and only woke up when I felt hands wrap around my body.

"What is going on?" I murmured, still half asleep. The person said nothing  as they carried me out of the bedroom and walked down the hall.

I panicked at first, I didn't seem to recognize them. Only when they patted me on the head and brought me closer I felt it, their steady breathing and intoxicating scent. Although, today, their scent didn't manage to calm me down. 

"Leave me alone!" I squirmed and tried to break free. The person sighed and held me tighter before entering my room and setting me down on my bed.

"Sweet dreams" he said.

[End of flashback]

He hurried through the halls, trying to find what seemed like an exit. At that point, I had given up on trying to get away and run back to Momo. My body was going numb and I felt as if there wasn't any more blood that could seep out of me.

"Sweet dreams, Dahyunie"

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