

She walked over and sat on my bed.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like the biggest screw up on the planet."

"Don't say that, Nessa."

"It's fine, Kayla. Let's not act like you didn't warn me and I didn't cause this problem myself."

She just looked down and sighed.

"I'm just embarrassed and so angry at myself. I just keep letting people down. I just want to stay in my room and never come out."

"Well, I guess that you're not gonna like what I'm about to tell you then."

"What do you mean-"

I was stopped by a knock at the door.

"Kayla, who's that?"

"Just let me explain first."

I got up and walked to the door and opened it.

"Hey, Nessa."

I shut the door and turned to face Kayla.

"What the hell is he doing here?"


"Just stop. Just hold on."

I took a deep breath and opened the door again.


"Hey... sorry about that."

"You're good. I kind of expected it actually."

I turned around to Kayla.

"You told him?"


"Told me what?"

I turned back at Kayla.

"Nessa, this isn't what I was going to tell you."

"Then what are you-"


I turned back around and my heart sank.


"Nessa, what's going on?"-Mom

I just felt completely overwhelmed and felt like I couldn't breath. I felt like all my lies were swallowing me and I didn't know how to handle it. I felt the tears race to my eyes and my breath grow shallow.

"I-I I can't do this."

I grabbed my keys and brushed past Cade and my mom.


"Nessa, wait!"

I got in my car and saw Kayla running out. I started it and just started driving. I didn't know where I was going I just knew I had to get out of there. I just kept driving until I ended up at the place I needed to go. I got out of the car and knocked on the door. I waited a second and then Nick opened the door. He looked at me for a second.

"You can't be here, Nessa."

"Nick, please just let me explain. It's not what he thinks. If I could just talk to him-"


"It's not what he thinks, Nick"


"I just need to talk to him, please. I-"


I paused with tears rolling down my face.

"This isn't like the other times. There isn't anything to explain. You took it too far, Nessa."

"No, Nick. Please."

"Go home, Nessa."


"Nessa, go home."

He looked at me, and paused then he shut the door.

"Nick, plea-"

The door shut, and I felt like I was by myself. I quietly sobbed on the front step. Then I pulled myself together, and got back into my car. I felt like everything I had was gone. I couldn't blame anybody but myself. I just sat there and then broke down in my car. I cried so hard I couldn't breath. Zion became part of me. I loved him more than words could describe and this time I knew there wasn't any coming back from that. There was no late night where he would come over and we could talk it out or a heated argument that turned into to intimacy. It was gone. Everything we had was gone, and there wasn't anything I could do to get it back. 

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