Chapter 15 (Finale)

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I  heard the door start to open, and opened my eyes.

"Good Morning, Miss Wilson. You get to go home today!"-Nurse

"Lucky me..."

"Here is your breakfast. Dr. Sanchez will probably be in here later to give you any last minute updates and afterwards I can wheel you to the lobby, then your parents will sign your paperwork and you'll be on your way."

"Can't wait..."

"Look I know that you're not in the shape that you are wishing-"

"Look, I appreciate you trying to do your job and spread "happiness" into your patient's lives  but can you spare me the "everything's gonna be okay" speech? I've heard it too many times for it to actually mean anything anymore."

"That's not what I was going to say. With all due respect, Miss Wilson before you go throwing yourself a pity party  and feeling sorry for yourself because "your life is over" try looking around. You're one of the lucky ones. Some people don't even get to walk out of here at all. Enjoy your breakfast.."

The nurse turned around and walked out the door. She was right. Feeling sorry for myself wasn't going to fix my knee or make it heal any faster, neither was being rude to the people who were trying to help me... I ate my breakfast and then sat and just thought for a little bit. I heard the door open and Dr. Sanchez came in.

"Good Morning, Miss Wilson."

"Hi, Dr. Sanchez..."

"Uh.. I just wanted to answer any last minute questions you had before you leave."

"Uhm... I think I'm good."

"Oh-okay, well I'll get the nurse and she can help your parents sign you out at the front desk."

"Uh.. Dr. Sanchez wait."


"I'm...I'm sorry for yesterday. I should't have treated you like that. I know you were just doing your job."

"I understand, Vanessa. Look, when I was back in college I broke my leg in my Junior year. I was out the rest of the season. So I know how all of this feels.  I was beyond angry and I was frustrated because I worked so hard and I was planning on making it into the draft. A doctor gave me the same speech about how I could still play football but I would have a long recovery, but all I heard was my career was over. I then realized that the only person who controlled that was me. So I worked hard and I recovered a month before the estimated time and made it in time for pre-season work outs. I say all that to say that the only person who controls whether you are going to dance again is you. As much credit as people love to give doctors, we're not always right. You're in charge of whether you are going to dance again, not some random guy with a clipboard and some papers."

"Thank you, Dr. Sanchez."

"You're welcome, Vanessa. Now let me go get that nurse so we can get you home."


Dr. Sanchez walked out the door and later the nurse came back in.

"You ready, Miss Wilson?"

"Yea.. yea I'm ready."

She put me in a wheel chair and took my to the lobby. My parents talked to the receptionists and filled out my paper work. 

"Okay, we're going to give Vanessa some crutches, but don't let the put any weight in that leg. But besides that you're all set."-Receptionist

"Okay, thank you so much."-Mom

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