Chapter 35 (Mid-Season Finale)

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*I know I didn't mention anything about a mid-season finale, but since this is the last season I thought it would be fitting. This is also a super long chapter and a lot of details and things happen so I thought it should have some significance. Remember this is not the end. Enjoy!

I didn't know whether I was relieved or devastated. I thought something had went wrong and I lost the baby.

"What do you mean I'm not pregnant? Did I lose the baby?"

"No, it appears that you were never pregnant to begin with."-Dr. Viro

"What do you mean she was never pregnant? She missed her period which never happens, and  she took a test. I saw the positive sign myself." - Kayla

"Have you been under a large amount of stress recently, Miss Wilson?"- Dr. Viro

I thought back immediately to everything going on with my song, the release party, keeping things from Z about Cade and trying to keep things from Cade about Z.

"Uh, yes actually."

"Would you say that you haven't been properly giving attention to your diet and haven't been eating as much as your body is used to?"- Dr. Viro

"Yea, I guess."

"Well what I believe happened is when women go through large amounts of stress and neglect eating to the potential their body is used to they can lose their menstrual cycle for about three months or more. It's called Hypothalamic Amenorrhea. It's more common in female body builders when they do a process call a cut process where they try to lean out their body mass and cut down on necessary calories their body needs.  With how much stress you've been under and not getting the correct nutrients your body is used to which is why it appeared that you had missed your regular menstrual cycle start date."-Dr. Viro

"What are you talking about? I took a pregnancy test that literally said I was pregnant."

"Well actually, the FDA has been giving recalls to a few pregnancy test distributors after the complaint from women about receiving false pregnancy reports. They did a recall on FastBlue, TruePregnancy, OneResult-" -Dr. Viro

Kayla and I both looked at each other.

"And by the look on both of you guy's faces I'm guessing you took one of those tests."-Dr. Viro

We both paused.

"I picked up a FastBlue test from the minimart near Sunset."-Kayla

"I just don't understand how the test said she was pregnant but she isn't." -Mom

"Well sometimes depending on hormonal change in the body, in your case it possibly could have been the HA that produced these hormonal changes, it can give off hormones that are usually common in pregnant women that calls for these false pregnancy reports. More reliable test can detect true pregnancy hormones and disregard hormones that appear to be a pregnancy hormone based off hormonal change."- Dr. Viro 

I didn't know how to respond. Everything was coming at me so fast. It felt like the last month had been for nothing. I lost a relationship based off the fact that I didn't know who the father was. I lost a friendship because of this. I didn't know whether I was relieved or angry that everything was for nothing. 


Dr. Viro looked at my mom and then looked at me.

"I know this can be shocking and hard to process, but it's gonna be okay."-Dr. Viro

I looked at him and felt a tear hit my leg.

"I'll give you guys some time. The nurse can get you guys situated when you're ready."

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