Chapter 6

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2 weeks had passed since the night of the concert. Kayla had been talking to Austin almost everyday since then. The boys were halfway through their tour and were doing really well. I talked to Zion a little bit over DM and checked in with the other guys here and there. I was about to finish up final's week, and finish my first year of college. I leaned over to grab my phone off my nightstand to check Instagram. A notification from Zion popped up over DM.



"What's up. Haven't talked to you in awhile."

"I'm doing good. How's the tour going?"

"It's going good we just finished up in Detroit. I think we're headed for Florida next."

"Oh cool, where in Florida?'

"Fort Lauderdale I'm pretty sure."

"That sounds exciting."

"Yea it is, just kind of tired."

"I can imagine."

"Enough about me, how's school going?"

"Its. . . going. It's finals week so you can imagine how fun that is."

"Oh, yikes. Can't relate haha."

"Not everyone can get lucky and tour as a famous singer."

"What can I say lol."

We talked for like an hour just back and forth and I noticed it was getting kind of late.

"I gotta get back to studying. I'll talk to you later."


I set my phone down and then a crazy idea popped in my head. I called Kayla because I knew she would be down to do it.


"Hey, I just had the craziest idea."

"That's weird. It's usually me who has the crazy ideas."

"What can I say I guess I felt spontaneous today."

"Haha, so what's up?"

"Okay, what if we flew and surprised the boys at their Fort Lauderdale show."

"Fort Lauderdale? As in like Florida?"


"Uhm. . . Are you feeling okay, Vanessa?"

"Yes, I'm feeling fine."

"You do realize that you, Miss Logical and Practical Planning, just asked me if I wanted to spontaneously FLY across the country."

"Well, I mean. Last day of finals is tomorrow and we can just fly out the next day and surprise them so it's not that unrealistic."


"So.. is that a yes?"

"Of course its a yes!"

"Great! I'll book the tickets."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later."



I hung up the phone and opened up my laptop and booked the tickets for Florida. I closed my laptop and went to bed since I had to get up early for my final tomorrow.


I got up a little bit earlier than I needed to and took my time getting ready. I drove to class and walked into my classroom to check in for my final. After about 2 hours I walked outside to my car feeling like I aced it. I texted Kayla to see if she wanted to meet for lunch.

Sorry ||ZION KUWONU||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang