Human Nature #6

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Human nature is selfish
we want what we can and cannot have
we want what others have and dont have
we want

i stand against that we
i am not one of thee
they all lie and manipulate
get back stuff they hate
they hate it yet they want it
it is suffering the being

that guy wanted her but knew he needed another
that girl needed him but knew she wanted the other
it is weird how a selfish act can break a power stronger than will
foreshadowing the fact that there is a power much vicious and ill

in sickness and in health i take thee
to be my lawfully wedded
in true acts and omniscent figures
i take thee to protect
that is how it should be
one cannot change sayings that mean nothing but empty promises
to look between the lines of a human attribute can been nothing but wrongful

i object to the idea of we 
i do not see myself like them
they lie betray blame suffer tantalize seduce
they use and abuse
its disgusting to sit and watch
as humanity suffers more loss
i refuse to sit and watch
i cannot unbreak the bond
i have become part of all

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