Sick Day

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Just a cute short one here... Enjoy my lovelies.



Justin woke up with a splitting headache, sore throat, and weak limbs but he managed to crawl out if bed and get dressed before Giriko woke up.

"Good morning Priest." Giriko sighed, wrapping his arms around Justin's chest and burying his face in Justin's neck to kiss his neck softly. Justin hummed in satisfaction but Giriko pulled away and spun him around.

"What's wrong?" Justin asked groggily and Giriko felt his forehead.

"Call that Shinigami you have a fever." Justin shook his head.

"I'm fine." Justin insisted, pushing past him.

"Justin, you look like death. You're pail and your cheeks are flushed. You're sick." Justin shook his head but when Giriko grabbed him, his legs gave out and he fell into the chainsaw's arms. Giriko sighed and undressed the priest, placing him in bed.

"I...I need to tell Lord Death..."

"I'll do it." Giriko growled and walked into the bathroom. "What's his number?"

"Four two, four two, five six four." Justin said rather gravelly. Giriko breathed on the mirror and muttered as he drew the numbers 42-42-564.

"Hello~!" Griko sighed. This guy s a nut case.

"Hey Lord Death... Um... Justin's sick. He can't come in." Giriko only just now realized he was shirtless.

"No problem! You tell him to get better now!"

"I will sir."

"Oh and how are you Giriko?" Giriko wanted to roll his eyes but refrained.

"Fine. Now if you don't mind i have a sick priest in my bed so..."

"Yes yes, please take good care of my Death Scythe for me." Giriko nodded and ended the call.

"Honestly how do you deal with him?" Giriko growled, placing a rag on Justin's head and tucking the covers around him.

"My lord Death-" Giriko silenced him with a kiss.

"I don't need an explanation love. You need to sleep. I'm going out to buy medicine. I'll be back soon." Giriko gave Justin a gentle kiss before dressing and slipping out. He hurried as fast as he could. It was raining and by the time he got back with the white paper bag, he was soaked and his hair was falling in his eyes. But he smiled at the sight if his priest nestled under the covers, cheeks pink and face peaceful as he slept.

Giriko set the medicine on the bedside table and slipped off his shoes, gloves, and shirt and curled up beside Justin, who briefly opened his eyes, gave Giriko a weak smile, and snuggled closer to him. Giriko held Justin's warm body close to his and smiled, burying his face in Justin's golden hair and drifting iff into sleep.

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