Rough Day

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Wow! Over 1K reads!!! ^-^ thank you guys so much! You are the best! I love you all~! <3

Also, I was looking through the story and... Maybe I should give you guys something in first person...? And/or possibly pull in some other pairings for a bit of cross over xD Idk. Let me know what you think.

Thanks again and enjoy!



Giriko came home from the grocery a bit late that day and cursed himself, Justin would already be home and he hadn't even cooked him dinner. What kind of a person was he? He sighed as he unlocked their door and strode in.

"Justin I'm home! Sorry that I'm a bit late..." Giriko looked around. "Justin?" The priest probably had his headphones in somewhere. Giriko sighed and set the bag down. Sure enough, when he walked into Justin's small study, he found the priest sitting with his headphones in. Giriko came up behind him, leaned down, and wrapped the surprised priest in his arms. The chainsaw kissed his pale neck and pulled one of the earbuds out with his teeth.

"Sorry I'm late. Is pasta okay for dinner?" Justin nodded and bowed his head. "What's wrong?" Giriko pulled back slightly so he could lean over him and saw his tear stained face. Giriko turned Justin's chair around, easily able to move the small boy. "Justin, what's wrong?" Justin shook his head and wiped his eyes, choking on his tears.

"I just had a rough day." Giriko smiled sadly at him. "Don't laugh at me!" Justin wailed.

"I'm not laughing." Giriko said, pulling the boy to his feet and into his arms. "You just look cute when you cry."

"You're a jerk." Justin mumbled into Giriko's chest. Giriko wrapped the boy tighter in his arms and kissed his head.

"Why don't you come with me and I'll make you some dinner?"

"I'm not hungry."

"Don't lie." Giriko said and held Justin at arm's length, wiping his tears away. "Come on." He picked the young priest up bride style and carried him into the living room, where he dumped him on the couch before Giriko went to the kitchen and tied an apron around his black tank top and smiled as he began to make Justin's dinner. Justin sat quietly on the couch and Giriko left him alone, Justin hated people seeing him cry and Giriko didn't want to be Justin's target of anger.

"Here you are my love." Giriko whispered in Justin's ear and handed the priest a steaming plate of spaghetti. "I made the sauce special." He said, kissing Justin's cheek before going back to give Justin his drink and got himself food, eating beside the little priest. Once they were finished, Giriko did the dishes and led Justin into the bathroom.

"What are we doing?" Justin asked, still upset.

"I figured a hot bath might help." Giriko said as he turned on the water to begin filling the bath tub. Justin smiled slightly and pulled his headphones off and then his robe. Giriko stalked over and kissed his neck gently before picking up the priest and placing him in the counter. Giriko knelt and pulled Justin's shoes off for him, then ran his hands up his legs and removed his pants.

"Thanks." Justin blushed and hopped down, climbing into the warm water and sighing. Giriko smiled and left, closing the door behind him before going to clean the house.

After the house was cleaned, Giriko went to check on Justin, who had fallen asleep in the bath. Giriko laughed and gently shook the tired priest awake.

"Falling asleep in the bath tub is dangerous. You should know that." Justin yawned.

"I... Wasn't sleeping..." He slurred, eyes drooping. Giriko laughed and grabbed a towel, lifting Justin out if the tub and drying him off before lying him down in their bed. Giriko kissed Justin's cheek gently.

"You know what Giriko?" Justin mumbled.


"You can be pretty sweet sometimes." Justin said weakly before he slipped off the sleep.

"Yeah, I guess I can." Giriko said as he left the room, a small smile on his face.

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