Fan Art

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Okay y'all. So there's only so much JustinxGiriko fan art I can find online and my drawing skills are... Well... Nonexistent. And I have like zero inspiration right now. -_-;

So I was thinking that if anyone of you lovelies who are better than me at arty things (all of you) wants to arty-thingy me up some inspiration in whatever medium you want then I'll try to write a story part about it/publish it with one of the chapters. You will have all of the rights obviously, the chapter dedicated to you, and I will credit the picture to you.

Also some Giriko and Justin wedding pics are greatly appreciated xD

If you want to do this, email or comment/message me the picture and and details I should include in the dedication/photo crediting/something you'd like to see in the story.


You guys are the best. Thank you so much for the support! You guys have made such a difference for me and my self-esteem. I love all of you!


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